% Imperial College %
% Department of Materials %
% Materials Characterisation Report Template %
% -Updated to use Helvetica font %
%describes the document we are making
%Document preamble, adds useful packages and sets up the document.
\usepackage[english]{babel} %makes latex aware of your language, so better hyphenating etc
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %use the T1 for proper searching and use of ligatures etc
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %use UTF8 encoding for reading source code
\usepackage{helvet} %use the helvetica font. This is very similar to the Arial font used in the Office templates.
\usepackage{microtype} %enables microtypesetting
\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} %adjusts linespacing
\usepackage{geometry} %adjusts page layout including margins
\geometry{left=4cm,right=4cm,top=3cm,bottom=6cm} %the page geometry as defined, A4=210x297mm
\pagestyle{plain} %includes page number in centred in footer
\usepackage{mathtools} %for the rendering of maths
\numberwithin{equation}{section} %reset numbering within a structural object
\numberwithin{figure}{section} %reset numbering within a structural object
\usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} %typesetting of chemical formulae
\usepackage{siunitx} %typesetting of units and quantities with uncertainties etc
\sisetup{detect-all, detect-weight=true, detect-family=true} % if the rest of the text is bold the units will be as well
\sisetup{range-units=single} % don't include units in both parts of an \SIrange
\sisetup{multi-part-units=single} % don't repeat units for multi-part numbers such as numbers with uncertainties
\sisetup{separate-uncertainty} %list values with uncertanties as X\pm Y rather than X(Y).
\usepackage{graphicx} %for the rendering of floating graphics
\usepackage[section]{placeins} %defines float barriers at the end of sections. Set option [section] for this.
\usepackage{array} %for creating tables
\usepackage{booktabs} %professional looking tables, provides /toprule etc
\addbibresource{./example.bib} %the absolute or relative path of your bibliography file.
\usepackage{hyperref, bookmark} %turns the references and citations into hyperlinks. This needs to be last on the preamble.
% Put the document stuff in here!
\begin{titlepage} %makes a title page. Remember to change the author, CID, username and group number to what is appropriate for you!
{\scshape\LARGE Imperial College London\par}
{\scshape \LARGE Department of Materials\par}
{\huge\bfseries Characterisation Exercise Report\par}
{\Large\itshape Joe Bloggs\par} %remember to change these!
% {\large Group \@group\unskip\strut\par}
{\large Group: 42 \hfill CID: 00123456 \hfill Username: j.bloggs\par} %remember to change these!
{\large \today\par}
\begin{abstract} %an abstract
This is the abstract. It stands alone from the body of the report but should be included in the 6 page limit.
\section{A section}\label{sec:section1} %a section - the stuff in {braces} will be typeset as a section heading.
\subsection{A subsection}\label{sec:subsection1}
Subsections can be used too. They will be numbered. Avoid using these too much as they can break up the flow of the writing.
\begin{figure}[h] %this opens a floating environment. It will move around. The [h] tells the compiler to put the image [h]ere, not at the [t]op, [b]ottom or on a separate [p]age
\centering %put the figure in the middle of the page
\includegraphics[height=5cm]{./example.jpg} %path can be relative or absolute
\caption{A caption. This is descriptive and directs the reader to the important parts of the figure. This figure has the label \textit{fig:example}.} %Make your caption descriptive
\label{fig:example} %so you can reference to the figure elsewhere using \ref{}
\subsection{Technical Typesetting}\label{sec:tech_typesetting}
You can include inline maths $1+1=2$ and numbered equations,
\label{eq:simple} %these can be labelled too
The package \texttt{siunitx} can be used to typeset numbers and quantities with units. The \verb|\SI{num}{units}| command can be used for this. For example, the command
\verb|\SI{9.81}{\metre\per\second}| will be typeset as \SI{9.81}{\m\per\s}. Exact usage and extra commands can be found in the \href{http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/siunitx/siunitx.pdf}{\texttt{siunitx} user manual}.
You can refer to the items (using the \verb|\ref{label}| command. For ex
ample, the command \verb|\ref{fig:example}| which is then type set as \ref{fig:example} and is a hyperlink to the relevant caption.
Chemical formulae can be typeset using the \texttt{mhchem} package. For example, the command \verb|\ce{H2O}| will be typeset as \ce{H2O} and the command \verb|\ce{Ba(Zr_x Ti_{1-x})O3}| will be typeset as \ce{Ba(Zr_xTi_{1-x})O3}. Refer to the \href{http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/mhchem/mhchem.pdf}{\texttt{mhchem} user manual} for more details.
All sources should be cited, the \verb|\autocite| command from Bib\LaTeX\ is the best to use. For example, the command \verb|\autocite{BrandonD.G2008Mcom}| is typeset as \autocite{BrandonD.G2008Mcom}. Some other commands can be useful, these can be investigated in section~3.9 of the \href{http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf}{Bib\LaTeX\ user manual}.
\printbibliography %inserts the bibliography, remember to specify your bib file in the preamble!