Harsh Kumar
Last Updated
4달 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a basic Indian Institute of Science (IISc) PhD template for writing thesis for personal use. Feel free to modify and share the template.
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting image
\usepackage{subcaption} % Required for subfigures
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %%% for bold small cap
\usepackage{lipsum} %%%% only for lorem ipsum, can be removed
\graphicspath{{images/}} % to advise LATEX where the graphics are located.
\usepackage{amsmath} % For the equation* environment
\usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % to adjust margin
\usepackage{hyperref} % for hyper references
\usepackage{biblatex} % for bibliograpghy
%%%%%%% Header-Footer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% Title,Author,Date %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title {This is a basic IISc PhD template using overleaf default font, computer modern}
\author{Harsh Kumar}
\date{July 2024}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Personal details as New commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\thesistitle}{Feel Free to Share and Modify: This is a basic IISc PhD template using overleaf default font}
\newcommand{\myname}{Harsh Kumar}
\newcommand{\thesisdate}{July 2024}
\pagenumbering{gobble} % Turns off page numbering
{\huge \textbf{\thesistitle} \par}
{\large \sc A Thesis \par}
{\large \sc Submitted For The Degree Of \par}
{\large \sc {\textbf{Doctor of Philosophy}} \par}
{\large \sc In The Faculty of Engineering \par}
{\large by \par}
{\large \textbf{\myname} \par}
{\large \sc Department of Bioengineering \par}
{\large \sc Indian Institute of Science \par}
{\large \sc Bangalore - 560012, India \par}
{\large \sc \thesisdate \par}
%%%%%%%% Blank Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Copyright %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\textbf{\textcopyright \ \myname \\ [5pt]
\thesisdate\\ [5pt]
All rights reserved\\
%%%%%%%% Blank Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dedication page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
This thesis is dedicated to\\
xxxx,xxxx, and xxxx
%%%%%%%% Blank Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Acknowledgemnents Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pagenumbering{roman} % Turns off page numbering
I would like to acknowledge everyone in my lab. \lipsum[1-8]
%%%%%%%%%%%% Contents, Abbreviations, ListofFigures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tableofcontents %%%%% Table of contents %%%%%%%%
\listoffigures %%%%% List of figures %%%%%%%%
\listoftables %%%%%% List of Tables %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% New Chapter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%% New Section %%%%%%%%%
\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Subsection Text}
\subsection{Subsection Math}
\item Sine formula:
\sin^2 x + \cos^2 x = 1
\item Double-angle formulas:
\sin(2x) = 2 \sin x \cos x
\cos(2x) = \cos^2 x - \sin^2 x
\item Addition formulas:
\sin(x + y) = \sin x \cos y + \cos x \sin y
\cos(x + y) = \cos x \cos y - \sin x \sin y
\subsection{Subsection Text and Figure}
\caption{Image 1}
\caption{Image 2}
\caption{Image 3}
\caption{Various Images}
{\LARGE {Refer figure in a text using label \ref{fig:1b}}}\\ [2cm]
{\LARGE {Refer figure in a text using label \ref{fig:2a}}}\\[2cm]
\caption{First image}
\caption{Second image}
\caption{Third image}
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Images/IISc_Master_Seal.jpg} % Replace with the fourth image
\caption{Fourth image}
\caption{Four images in two rows}
%%%%%%% New Section %%%%%%%%%
\section{Section 2}
\subsection{Subsection A}
\subsection{Subsection B}
\chapter{Materials and Methods}
\chapter{Single molecule}
{\large Refer article in text \cite{einstein} }
{\large Refer article in text \cite{Harsh} }
\chapter{Summary and perspectives}