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ICCR template for XX th International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation therapy
ICCR template for XX th International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation therapy
% Latex template for submission to the XXth International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation therapy
% (ICCR 2024)
% Date: Oct 2023
% Modified from
% https://github.com/gschramm/fully3d_templates
% To build this document, we recommend to use latexmk via:
% ```latexmk -pdf iccr2024_template.tex```
% Building in the online editor overleaf also works.
%%%%%% add your extra packages here (if needed) %%%%%
%%%%%% before, have a look which packages are already imported by the iccr2024 package %%%%%
%%%%% add your bibtex file that contains the bibtex entries here %%%%%
%%%%% please include DOIs in the bibtex entries if possible %%%%%
%%%%% add your title here %%%%%
\title{A LaTex Template for a ICCR 2024 submission}
%%%%% add authors and affiliations here %%%%%
\affil[1]{Department of Radiotherapy,
University of Radiation Oncology, City, Country}
\affil[2]{Department of Radiology,
University of Computer Sciences, City, Country}
%%%%% don't change these 2 lines %%%%%
%%%%% add your summary (abstract) here %%%%%%
%%%%% use footnotesize for this section %%%%%%
%%%%% please stick to the customabstract environment %%%%%%
Add your abstract here. This abstract can be slightly longer than the very short 150 words abstract that you have to enter in the submission system and that is used for the program.
%%%%% main text %%%%%
%%%%% remove the dummy content and put your own content here %%%%%
%%%%% feel free to choose your own section titles %%%%%
%%%%% you don't need to put the content in a separate tex file %%%%%
% dummy_content.tex shows how to add sections, figures, tables, formulas, and references
% remove the following line, it just adds dummy content