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% Question 1
This problem has several parts:
\item The first part.
\item The second part.
\item The third part.
% Question 2
For each of the following below, determine which option is correct.
a) $2 \cdot 2= 4$ & b) $x^3= x \cdot x$ & c) $\sin x = \cos x$ & d) $\sin x^2= \sin^2 x$
a) $2 \cdot 2= 4$ & b) $x^3= x \cdot x$ & c) $\sin x = \cos x$ & d) $\sin x^2= \sin^2 x$
% Question 3
Compute the following integral:
\int e^{-x^2} \;dx
\] \vspace{6cm}