HKUST Lab Report Template
Ma Wanqin
Last Updated
한 달 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Lab Report Template for HKUST Students
% Packages
\usepackage{titlesec} % For title formatting
% Header and Footer
\fancyhead[L]{Lab Report Title}
% Title Formatting
% Cover Page
\vspace{2cm} % Adjust vertical space
\includegraphics[width=0.55\textwidth]{logo_hkust2.png} \\ % Add your logo here (change "logo.png" to the actual filename)
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust vertical space after the logo
\textbf{\Huge Lab Report Title} \\
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust vertical space
\large Course Code and Name \\
\vspace{0.5cm} % Adjust vertical space
\large Date of Submission
\author{Your Name}
% Title Page
% Table of Contents
% Start page numbering from the Table of Contents
\setcounter{page}{1} % Start counting from 1
% 1. Objective or Summary
This section should briefly describe the main goals and objectives of the lab report.
% 2. Problem Description
\section{Problem Description}
Provide a detailed description of the problems or tasks tackled in the lab. This can include circuit specifications, structures, or any other given challenges.
% 3. Methodology/Design Procedures
Detail the steps taken to design or implement the solution to the problem. Explain any algorithms, designs, or specific procedures used.
% 4. Measurement/Testing Results
Summarize the data gathered during the lab, including measurements and observations. You can use tables or figures to present this data.
\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{example-image} % Example of adding a figure
\caption{Test results for circuit 1}
% 5. Analysis and Discussion
\section{Analysis and Discussion}
Interpret the results obtained. Compare them with theoretical values, explain discrepancies, and discuss their significance.
% 6. Recommendations/Conclusions
Provide conclusions based on the results and discuss any recommendations for improvements, future work, or alternative solutions.
% Bibliography (if required)
\bibliography{references} % Add a .bib file if you have references