Deakin SIT Thesis Template
Chetan Arora
Last Updated
4년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This thesis template should be used by SIT723 and SIT724 students.
% LaTeX template for SIT723/SIT724 dissertation/exegesis for Deakin Honours and Masters students
% Author:
% Dr. Chetan Arora, Academic Director (Coursework Research)
\geometry{a4paper, left=22mm, top=22mm, bottom=22mm, right=22mm}
\graphicspath{ {Figures/}} %% Path to your Figure folder
%%% IF you need headers and footers
% \usepackage{fancyhdr}
% \pagestyle{fancy}
% \fancyhf{}
% \fancyhead[L]{\rightmark}
% \rfoot{\thepage}
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%-------------DOCUMENT BEGIN-------------------
%========= Title Page
{\LARGE Deakin SIT Research Project \LaTeX~Template} %%Replace this with the Title of your research
{\bf Submitted as Research Report / Honours / Master Dissertation in SIT723/SIT724}
\textbf{First-Name Last-Name}\\
STUDENT ID 1234567 \\
COURSE - Master of Software Engineering Honours (S464)
{\bf \normalsize Supervised by: Dr. Supervisor1, Prof, Supervisor2}\\
%---------Table of Content, Figures and Tables--------
% Main body of Thesis
%========= Start of Thesis
%%------ Include files for each section
%-------- Bibliography
\bibliography{references} %%All bibtex references are in references.bib file
%-------------DOCUMENT END-------------------