%%% ------------ OVERVIEW OF THIS TEMPLATE ------------ %%%
% This is a Capra Lab Manuscript template! It was developed by the Capra
% Lab and converted to a LaTex document by Evonne McArthur 2/2022 and last
% edited 2/2022.
% To use this template, you should probably read the whole compiled document
% because it contains lots of great tips. Once you are ready to go, you
% should delete the tips in each section (\abstractTips \introTips \resultsTips
% \captionTips \methodsTips \discussionTips and \generalTips). Then you should
% delete the REMOVEME_tips.tex file and the call to that file in this document
% (\input{REMOVEME_tips}). Then add your own content to the relevant subfiles.
% Figures should be uploaded to the ./main_figs and ./supplement/suppl_figs
% folders. Tables should be uploaded to ./supplement/suppl_tabs. When you work
% with main text figures, you should create a "code name" for them. You will
% follow the format in 4maintextFigs.tex to add a function that will generate
% the figure. When you want that figure to appear in the manuscript call that
% function (e.g. \codename).
% Note that this document contains info about how to customize these things:
% fontsize, font (to Arial), line spacing, line numbers, left vs. justified
% aligned, number or author-date citations, natbib vs bibLaTeX citations,
% sideways tables and figures, figure references and more!
% See these resources for more LaTeX tips:
%%% ------------ READ IN PACKAGES & SETUP ------------ %%%
% Basics, font size, page setup, link format, line spacing/numbering
\documentclass[11pt]{article} % font size
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=1in]{geometry} % page setup
\usepackage{authblk} % author affiliations
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue,breaklinks=true]{hyperref} % Hyperlinks, needed for biblatex, other option: allcolors=blue
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % disable section numbering, generates a few warnings but these should not effect the document
\usepackage{setspace} % linespacing
\usepackage{lineno} % line numbering
\usepackage{csquotes} % Recommended for biblatex, must load after lineno or will get a warning
\usepackage{ragged2e}% for left aligning
\setlength{\RaggedRightParindent}{\parindent} % for paragraph indent with left aligning
\usepackage{array} % used to soft wrap text in Table S3
% Write math as font
% Figure references and bolding them https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/87903/bold-cross-references
\usepackage[capitalise, noabbrev, nameinlink]{cleveref}
\usepackage[labelsep=period]{caption} % change separator to period instead of colon
\newcommand{\crefrangeconjunction}{--} % change conjunction b/w figures
\newcommand{\crefpairconjunction}{, }
\newcommand{\creflastconjunction}{, }
\newcommand{\crefmiddleconjunction}{, }
% Figures, Tables and captions
\graphicspath{{./main_figs/}{./supplement/suppl_figs/}} % paths for figs
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpeg,.JPG,.png,.PNG, .eps, .tiff}
\usepackage{subcaption} % for subcaptions (panels), and add parentheses
\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{bold}{{(#2)}} % bold subpanel letter in caption
\captionsetup{subrefformat=bold} % bold subpanel letter in caption
\renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{\Alph{subfigure}} % Make subpanel numbering capitalized
\newcommand{\labelphantom}[1]{% To make subpanel references easier from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/255790/121424
\usepackage{pgffor} % for function to make figures with subpanels
\usepackage{alphalph} % for function to make figures with subpanels
\usepackage[labelfont=bf, textfont=bf, singlelinecheck=off, textfont=footnotesize]{caption} % boldness of captions
% Read in helper functions
% Can remove, are for the tips
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % can remove, for coloring the tips
\usepackage{changepage} % can remove, for width on the tips
\usepackage{enumitem} % can remove, for width on the tips
% soft wrap URLs and use same font as document
%%% ------------ REFERENCES FORMAT ------------ %%%
\usepackage[backend=biber, citestyle=numeric-comp, bibstyle=authoryear, sorting=none, natbib=true, url=false, minbibnames=10, maxbibnames=10, uniquename=false, uniquelist=false, giveninits=true]{biblatex}
% add numbers to authoryear bibstyle in References
% add a period to each numbered reference
% last names first
% clear the month, issue number, and ISSN from references
% remove quotes from article title
% deitalicize journal title
% axe "In:" before journal name
% italicize volume number
% format DOI
% removes "pp" from pages
page = {},
pages = {},
% add a space between entries
% add bibliography resource
%%% ------------ FONT COLOR FORMAT ------------ %%%
% Define a custom colors using the hexadecimal code
% Set custom colors
% Redefine the figures title color
\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf, textfont=figurecaptioncolor, font=figuretitlecolor}
% Redefine the tables title color
\captionsetup[table]{labelfont=bf, textfont=tablecaptioncolor, font=tabletitlecolor}
%%% ------------ TITLE PAGE FORMATTING ------------ %%%
% left align title, authors, and affiliations
% left align abstract title and justify abstract body
%%% ------------ DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ------------ %%%
\setstretch{1.15} %\onehalfspace
%\section*{Supplementary Information}
\setcounter{page}{1} % Set page at 1