Brown University
Baylor Fox-Kemper
Last Updated
2년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A basic Madrid Beamer template with Brown University colors and logos.
\documentclass [xcolor=svgnames, t] {beamer}
\usepackage{booktabs, comment}
\usepackage[absolute, overlay]{textpos}
\definecolor{brownbrown}{RGB}{56, 28, 0}
\definecolor{brownred}{RGB}{228, 0, 43}
\setbeamercolor{title in head/foot}{bg=brownred, fg=brownbrown}
\setbeamercolor{author in head/foot}{bg=myuniversity}
\setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}{}
\definecolor{myuniversity}{RGB}{56, 28, 0}
\title[RUNNING TITLE]{Your Presentation Title}
\subtitle{(Your Sub Title)}
\institute[]{Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences \\Brown University}
\author[Main Author]{
Main Author ,
2nd Author,
3rd Author }
\institute[]{Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences \\Brown University}
\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\begin{frame}{Beamer Template}
Here is a cation example, you are welcome to use any style \cite{Vishwanath10}
\section{Literature Review}
\begin{frame} [allowframebreaks]\frametitle{References}