Zhanysbek Ulbike's CV
Last Updated
6년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Zhanysbek Ulbike's CV
Created with the AltaCV template
Zhanysbek Ulbike's CV
Created with the AltaCV template
% This is an sample CV template created using altacv.cls
% (v1.1.4, 27 July 2018) written by LianTze Lim (liantze@gmail.com). Now compiles with pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
%% If you need to pass whatever options to xcolor
%% If you are using \orcid or academicons
%% icons, make sure you have the academicons
%% option here, and compile with XeLaTeX
%% or LuaLaTeX.
% \documentclass[10pt,a4paper,academicons]{altacv}
%% Use the "normalphoto" option if you want a normal photo instead of cropped to a circle
% \documentclass[10pt,a4paper,normalphoto]{altacv}
%% AltaCV uses the fontawesome and academicon fonts
%% and packages.
%% See texdoc.net/pkg/fontawecome and http://texdoc.net/pkg/academicons for full list of symbols.
%% Compile with LuaLaTeX for best results. If you
%% want to use XeLaTeX, you may need to install
%% Academicons.ttf in your operating system's font
%% folder.
% Change the page layout if you need to
% Change the font if you want to.
% If using pdflatex:
% If using xelatex or lualatex:
% \setmainfont{Lato}
% Change the colours if you want to
% Change the bullets for itemize and rating marker
% for \cvskill if you want to
%% sample.bib contains your publications
% Not all of these are required!
% You can add your own with \printinfo{symbol}{detail}
\email{ulbikezhanysbek@gmail.com }
\location{Almaty, Kazakhstan}
%% You MUST add the academicons option to \documentclass, then compile with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX, if you want to use \orcid or other academicons commands.
% \orcid{orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000}
%% Make the header extend all the way to the right, if you want.
%% Depending on your tastes, you may want to make fonts of itemize environments slightly smaller
% \AtBeginEnvironment{itemize}{\small}
%% Provide the file name containing the sidebar contents as an optional parameter to \cvsection.
%% You can always just use \marginpar{...} if you do
%% not need to align the top of the contents to any
%% \cvsection title in the "main" bar.
\cvevent{Front-End Developer Assistant}{R\&M Company}{June 2018 -- August 2018}{Almaty, Kazakhstan}
\item Detailed Studying of HTML and CSS, MySQL, SQLite for making a project with authorization and registration
\item Building advanced websites , Introduction to CMS WordPress working with framework and WP Query
\item Take part in the developing of website \"SanyGlobal.kz\" and frontend of the mainpage.
\cvtag{Communication skills}
\cvtag{Time Management}
\cvtag{Motivator \& Leader}
\cvsection{A Day of My Life}
% Adapted from @Jake's answer from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/82729/226
% \wheelchart{outer radius}{inner radius}{
% comma-separated list of value/text width/color/detail}
6/8em/accent!30/{Sleep and eat},
3/7em/accent!8/Go for a walk with friends,
8/8em/accent!55/Make my to do list,
2/10em/accent!10/Sports and relaxation,
5/6em/accent!20/Spending time with family
\item Literature
\item Technology
\item Film
\item Science
\item Camping
%% If the NEXT page doesn't start with a \cvsection but you'd
%% still like to add a sidebar, then use this command on THIS
%% page to add it. The optional argument lets you pull up the
%% sidebar a bit so that it looks aligned with the top of the
%% main column.
% \addnextpagesidebar[-1ex]{page3sidebar}