Yashi's Resume
Last Updated:
6년 전
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Yashi's Resume

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Yashi's Resume
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\begin{tabular*}{6.62in}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r}
\textsc{{\textbf{#1}}} & \textsc{\textit{[#2]}} \\
\textbf{YASHI} \\
\indent 145B/12P/5A,\\
\indent Govindpur,Prayagraj \\
\indent Mobile No.: \textbf{9452443553} \\
\indent Email-id :\textbf{yashikrishnan3@gmail.com} \\
\resheading{\textbf{CAREER OBJECTIVE} }\\[\lsep]
\item[]To work in a challenging and dynamic environment and to keep adding value to the organization that I represent and serve, while also concurrently upgrading my skills and knowledge.
\resheading{\textbf{ACADEMIC DETAILS} }\\[\lsep]
\\ \\
\indent \begin{tabular}{ l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l }
\textbf{Qualification} & \textbf{School/College} & \textbf{Board/University} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{DIVISION)} \\
B-tech(Electrical and & B.B.S. College & Abdul Kalam& 2020 & FIRST\\
Electronics Engineering) & Of Engineering &Technical \\
& and Technology(BBSCET) & University(AKTU) \\
XII & Maharshi Patanjali Vidya Mandir & CBSE & 2016 & FIRST \\
X & Maharshi Patanjali Vidya Mndir&CBSE & 2014 & FIRST \\
\\ \\
\resheading{\textbf{TECHNICAL SKILLS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent \textbf{Languages:-} , C and HTML(\textit{Basic Knowledge).}
\resheading{\textbf{MINOR PROJECT} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent\textbf{HOME AUTOMATION}
\item[] - Helps to manage all home devices from one place.
\item[] - Maximizing efficiency and saves energy.
\resheading{\textbf{ TRAINING AND WORKSHOPS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent\textbf{Vocational Training}
\item 1 month training of Electric Substation from Power Substation at Govindpur.
\item \noindent \textbf{PLC-SCADA}
\item Certification course of PLC and SCADA.
\item \noindent \textbf{AURDINO)}
\item Certification Course of Aurdino.
\item \noindent \textbf{PCRA}(\textit{Workshop})
\item Workshop of "Petroleum Conservation Research Association " which is organised by ' Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas , Govt of India'.
\resheading{\textbf{STRENGTHS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent Positive Attitude, Social Interaction, Hardworking
\resheading{\textbf{INTEREST AND HOBBIES} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent Reading Books
\item \noindent Playing Basketball