Wasim Raziq's CV
Last Updated
5년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Wasim Raziq's CV. Created with the ModernCV template.
Wasim Raziq's CV. Created with the ModernCV template.
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\title{Carroll University Student Athlete}
\address{13258 N Pier Mountain Rd}{Marana, AZ, 85658}
\quote{"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs}
\cventry{2013--2018}{Honors High School Diploma}{Rockford Lutheran HS}{Rockford, IL}{}{GPA - 3.5 $\mid$ ACT - 27}
\cventry{2018--present}{Bachelor's Degree (Sophomore Status)}{Carroll University}{Waukesha, WI}{}{GPA - 3.0 $\mid$ Major: Finance $\mid$ Minors: Management \& Leadership, Marketing}
\cventry{Summer 2018}{Project/Finance Management}{RDA, LLC.}{Rockford, IL}{}{
\item Created process for collection of past-due judgments
\item Automated utility bill allocation and invoicing
\item Worked with Tax Accountant on late fee assignments and invoicing
\subsection{Work Experience}
\cventry{2018--2019}{Porter}{Kunes Country Automotive Group}{Woodstock, IL}{}{}
\cventry{2017--2018}{Chef}{Culver's}{Rockford, IL}{}{}
\cventry{2017}{Christmas Tree Farm Sales}{Nature's Best Tree Farm}{Poplar Grove, IL}{}{}
\cventry{2014--2016}{Pizza Cook}{Slice of Italy}{Rockford, IL}{}{}
\section{Computer Skills}
\cvitem{Microsoft Office}{Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher}
\section{Relevant Classes}
\cvitem{Marketing}{Principles of Marketing, Sports Marketing}
\cvitem{Finance}{Financial Accounting}
\section{High School Activities}
\cvlistitem{Varsity Soccer}
\cvlistitem{Varsity Football Kicker/Punter}
\section{College Activities}
\cvlistitem{Varsity Football Kicker}
\section{Community Activities}
\cvlistitem{Camps: Rockford Lutheran HS Soccer Camp Counselor, St Paul Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School}
\cvlistitem{Service Project: Varsity Girl's Soccer Manager}
\cvlistitem{Tutoring: Various Students in Sciene and Math}
\item Tom Gilman \\
\item Mark Mercer \\
\item Danny Kunes \\
\item Theresa Harezlak
\item tomgilman @biosero.com
\item mrmarkmercer @gmail.com
\item dan.kunes @kunescountry.com
\item tharezlak @savantcapital.com
\cvcolumn[0.5]{Company \& Job Title}
\item Biosero, Inc. - CEO \\
\item RDA, LLC - Business Owner \\
\item Kunes Country Automotive Group - General Manager
\item Savant Capital - Financial Advisor