Rohan Bavishi's Résumé
Rohan Bavishi
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Rohan Bavishi's Résumé (Medium Length Graduate CV)

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Rohan Bavishi's Résumé (Medium Length Graduate CV)
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Medium Length Graduate Curriculum Vitae
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.2 (3/28/15)
% This template has been downloaded from:
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% Original author:
% Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
% (http://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/training/latex/resumes/)
% Modified by:
% Daniel L Marks <xleafr@gmail.com> 3/28/2015
% Further modified by:
% Rohan Bavishi <rohan.bavishi95@gmail.com> 9/20/2016
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\name{Rohan Bavishi}
\qualification{Senior Undergraduate, Computer Science, IIT Kanpur}
\address{C-324, Hall-1\\IIT Kanpur\\Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India}
\cusemph{Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur}, Uttar Pradesh, India\\
{\sl Bachelor of Technology}, Computer Science and Engineering, \timeline{Jul' 13 - Jul' 17 (Expected)}\\
\cusemph{GPA: 9.7/10} (Overall)\\
Program Analysis and Verification, Automated Debugging and Synthesis, \\Compiler Optimizations, Decision Procedures
\cusemph{Rohan Bavishi}, Awanish Pandey, Subhajit Roy, ``To Be Precise : Regression Aware Debugging" to appear in \textit{Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages \& Applications} (OOPSLA), Amsterdam, Netherlands
\cusemph{Rohan Bavishi}, Awanish Pandey, Subhajit Roy, ``Regression Aware Debugging for Mobile Applications" to appear in \textit{Proceedings of the 1$^{st}$ International Workshop on Mobile Development} (Mobile! 2016, part of SPLASH 2016), Amsterdam, Netherlands
\section{Awards \& Achievements}
Awarded the \cusemph{SIGPLAN PAC Scholarship} for paper presentation at \cusemph{OOPSLA '16}\\
\cusemph{Academic Excellence Award 2013-14}, IIT Kanpur\\
Secured an \cusemph{All-India-Rank of 202} in JEE Advanced 2013 amongst 150,000 candidates\\
Secured an \cusemph{All-India-Rank of 175} in JEE Mains 2013 amongst 20,00,000 candidates\\
Secured an \cusemph{All-India-Rank of 33} in AMTI-Mathematics Olympiad
\title{New Strategy for Analysis of Concurrent Programs via Sequentialization}
\supervisor{Supervisor : Prof. Subhajit Roy}
\duration{Aug '16 - Present}
- Using \href{http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/gp4/cseq/cseq.html}{CSeq} for code-to-code translation of concurrent programs into equivalent sequential ones\\
- Devising solving strategies to reduce verification time on existing backends like \href{}{CBMC}\\
\title{Improving Bug Localization Using Interpolant-Based Proofs}
\supervisor{Supervisor : Prof. Subhajit Roy}
\duration{Jul '15 - Aug '16}
- Devised a new method to improve the quality of bug localizations, in terms of reduced superfluous program locations, for a given set of passing and failing test-cases\\
- Interpolants are constructed from passing tests to derive \emph{soft} roadblocks. These roadblocks then discourage localizations violating these interpolants, thereby improving bug localization quality\\
- Upto 45\% improvement in localization quality as compared to the state-of-the-art tool BugAssist.\\
- \emph{Paper accepted in OOPSLA, one of the premier peer-reviewed conferences in Programming Languages}
\title{Using SAT/QBF-Solvers to Detect Side-Channel Vulnerabilities in Hardware}
\supervisor{Supervisors : Prof. Paolo Ienne and Mr. Andrew Becker}
\duration{May '16 - Present}
- Summer internship project at the Processor Architecture Laboratory, EPFL, Switzerland\\
- Studied various side-channel attacks, mitigation techniques and their proofs of effectiveness using formal methods\\
- Developed a QBF-Encoding technique to verify whether a cryptographic circuit is secure against a popular side-channel attack based on fault-injection\\
- In the process of writing a paper and submitting to a peer-reviewed conference\\
\title{Implementation of DirectFix in CBMC}
\supervisor{Supervisor : Prof. Subhajit Roy}
%\links{\href{https://github.com/rbavishi/iCBMC}{Github Link}}
\duration{May '15 - Jul '15}
- Ported the described \emph{Component-Based-Synthesis} algorithm in \href{https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~abhik/pdf/ICSE15-directfix.pdf}{DirectFix} to CBMC\\
- Reproduced the experimental results provided in the paper, and devised further optimizations\\
- \href{https://github.com/rbavishi/iCBMC}{Github Link}
\title{Re-Inventing A Median Algorithm for Disk-Resident Data}
\supervisor{Supervisor : Prof. Surender Baswana}
\duration{Aug '14 - Nov '14}
- Re-invented a two-pass \textit{deterministic} algorithm to find the median of large data-sets (approx. 1 TB)\\
- The algorithm developed was similar to the one described in the \href{http://polylogblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/80munro-median.pdf}{paper} by Munro-Paterson (1980)\\
- Carried out extensive tests to evaluate the performance of the algorithm\\
- \href{https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0--s-r8CTxgZTU3RzB3YnhMMVU/view}{Report}
\title{Peer-to-Peer Dropbox}
\supervisor{Supervisor : Prof. Subhajit Roy}
\duration{Aug '13 - Nov '13}
- A linux application for backing-up and syncing files between two or more peers\\
- Users have a shared folder across different machines, with local copies. Changes made in any one copy are synced across all devices\\
- Linux \emph{inotify} API used to track changes in the shared folder and \emph{rsync} used to sync the modifications to ensure efficient transfer\\
- Multithreading with mutexes used to parallelize syncing and file-monitoring operations\\
- \href{https://github.com/rbavishi/P2P-Dropbox}{Github Link}
\title{End-to-End Compiler for Perl-like Language}
\supervisor{Course : Compilers $|$ Supervisor : Prof. Subhajit Roy}
\duration{Jan '15 - Apr '15}
- Built an end-to-end compiler that takes a subset of the Perl language and outputs MIPS assembly\\
- Implemented Features such as \textit{operator overloading}, \textit{dynamic type-checking}, \textit{variable function arguments}, \textit{hashes}, \textit{lists}, \textit{type-based namespaces} etc.\\
- \href{https://github.com/vaishious/comperler}{Github Link}
\title{Integer Superscalar Processor Simulator based on MIPS-R10K}
\supervisor{Course : Computer Architecture $|$ Supervisor : Prof. Mainak Chaudhuri}
\duration{Jan '15 - Apr '15}
- Implemented a superscalar processor simulator based on the MIPS R10K architecture with support for integer instructions only\\
- Implemented support for Out-of-Order execution, multiple instruction issue and commit, precise interrupts and branch-misprediction rollback\\
- Configurable parameters supported such as issue width, number of functional units, branch-prediction algorithm, RAS/BTB size, active-list size etc.\\
- Performed experiments on various synthesized benchmarks to measure performance gains over an in-order processor design. Repeated the experiment with varying parameter configurations\\
- \href{https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0--s-r8CTxgV21IYjJWTUJOdm8/view?usp=sharing}{Report}
\cusemph{Languages}: C, C++, Python, Bash, Verilog, \LaTeX, Assembly (x86, MIPS)
\cusemph{SAT/SMT Solvers}: MathSAT, Z3, Yices
\cusemph{Research Tools}: CBMC (Proficient), KLEE, CSeq
% Interests
\section{Extra Interests}
\cusemph{Project Euler}: Solved : 257/560 \textit{(India Rank : 11)}\\
\cusemph{Hobbies}: Competitive Programming, CTF \& Wargames, Quizzing