Ricardo Ungerer's CV
Ricardo Ungerer
Last Updated:
6년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is Ricardo Ungerer's CV

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This is Ricardo Ungerer's CV
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Classicthesis-Styled CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (22/2/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Alessandro Plasmati
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
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\begin{cv}{\spacedallcaps{Ricardo Ungerer G. Sim\~oes}}\vspace{1.5em} % Your name
\noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{\Large Personal Information}\vspace{0.5em} % Personal information heading
\NewEntry{Nationality: }{\textit{German and Brazillian}}
\NewEntry{\large email}{\href{mailto:ungerer.ricardo@gmail.com}{ungerer.ricardo@gmail.com}} % Email address
\NewEntry{\large phone}{+55 11 974876468} % Phone number(s)
\NewEntry{\large address}{S\~ao Paulo - SP - Brasil}
\vspace{1em} % Extra white space between the personal information section and goal
\spacedlowsmallcaps{\Large Work experience}\vspace{1em}
\NewEntry{\textbf{\large Jan 2016 -- Present}}{\textbf{\large Software Developer, \textsc{Netcracker Technology}}}
\Description{\MarginText{\large VIVO Billing}\large
In my current position I have been responsible for the development and maintenance of business support systems directed to a telecom service provider in Brazil. The tasks include documenting, requirement analysis, programming, code reviewing, bug fixing and testing.
\NewEntry{\textbf{\large Jul 2014-- Jan 2016}}{\textbf{\large Software Developer, \textsc{Lenovo}}}
\Description{\MarginText{\large BMC Command Line Tool}\large This project deliver to the servers administrators a tool to manage and monitor a Think-Server Baseboard Management Controller. As a head developer I worked on two main branches of the project:
\item Troubleshooting the legacy code;
\item Porting the windows code to Linux.
\NewEntry{\textbf{\large Mar 2013-- Jul 2014}}{\textbf{\large Embedded SW Developer, \textsc{Guenka Software}}}
\Description{\MarginText{\large Ford TBS Trucks}\large With the end of the TBS Gen2, Guenka were again hired to implement the TBS for all Ford trucks being sold in Brazil. In this project i received the task to implement four modules of the system:
\item \textbf{F9141 Communications Protocol (ISO9141 simplified):} Since all Brazilian trucks still use this old protocol, Ford decided that this protocol should be used to transport all diagnostics messages for the TBS. I were responsible to implement a this procotol on top of a micro-controller UART port.
\item \textbf{Interface to an after market TBS:} In Brazil, Ford has firmed agreement with Autotrac in order to extend the functionalities of the TBS. I were responsible to implement a protocol (defined by Ford) responsible to pair the Ford's TBS and the Autotrac's TBS.
\item \textbf{Event Generator:} This module were responsible to monitor several J1939 messages and generate events. I implemented this module with the help of the Matlab/Simulink FSM generator.
Besides these modules i also developed a J1939 automated test environment in the Vector's CANoe tool to guarantee TBS compliance with the J1939 and F9141 specifications.
\NewEntry{\textbf{\large Jan 2011-- Mar 2013}}{\textbf{\large Systems Analyst, \textsc{Maxwell Bohr}}}
\Description{\MarginText{\large SDR GSM Monitor}\large In this project i developed UHD drivers for the several SDR PCBs (including USRPs), the design and development of a new protocol between the PCBs and PC that enabled multichannel multirate and the implementation of the full GSM stack.}
\Description{\MarginText{\large Embedded Linux}\large In this project i built a web application with the mongoose embeddable web-sever and SQLite that were responsible to group several serial devices and process and store their exported information. Besides that, this web application also used had support to plugins using dynamic linkage.
\vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections
\spacedlowsmallcaps{\Large Education}\vspace{1em}
\NewEntry{\textbf{ \large 2005-2011}} {\textbf{ \large {Universidade Estadual de Londrina}}}
\Description{\MarginText{\large Bachelor of Computer Science} \large In my computer scientist formation I took classes of the most traditional disciplines like Data Algorithms, Computer Organization, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, etc, which gave me a good base to think and deal with computer problems. }
\vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections
\spacedlowsmallcaps{\Large Computer Skills}\vspace{1em}
\Description{\MarginText{\large Programming Languages}\large \textsc{C}, \textsc{C++}, \textsc{PHP}, \textsc{bash} }
\Description{\MarginText{\large Frameworks}\large \textsc{STL}, \textsc{CakePHP} }
\Description{\MarginText{\large Databases}\large \textsc{MySQL}, \textsc{SQLite} }
\Description{\MarginText{\large VCS}\large GIT, SVN}
\vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections
\spacedlowsmallcaps{\Large Other Information}\vspace{1em}
\newlength{\langbox} % Create a new length for the length of languages to keep them equally spaced
\settowidth{\langbox}{English} % Length equals the length of "English" - if you have a longer language in your list put it here
\Description{\MarginText{\large Languages}\parbox{\langbox}{\textsc{\large Portuguese}}\ \ $\cdotp$\ \ \ \hspace{5mm} \large Mothertongue}
\vspace{-0.5em} % Negative vertical space to counteract the vertical space between every \Description command
\Description{\parbox{\langbox}{\textsc{\large English}}\ \ $\cdotp$\ \ \ \hspace{5mm} \large Upper-Intermediate }
\vspace{1em} % Negative vertical space to counteract the vertical space between every \Description command