Parth Kapadia's Résumé
Parth Kapadia
Last Updated:
8년 전
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Parth Kapadia's Résumé

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Parth Kapadia's Résumé
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% "ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.11 (19/6/14)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
% Important note:
% This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same
% directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes
% used for structuring the document.
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\firstname{Parth} % Your first name
\familyname{Kapadia} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
\address{D/83, Konark Karishma Building}
{Judges Bungalow Rd, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad-380015}
\mobile{(+91) 9725771334}
\makecvtitle % Print the CV title
\cvitem{}{A budding electrical engineer, waiting to work in a challenging environment which will help me develop my skills of practical application of concepts and thereby growing as a professional in the field of engineering.}
\cventry{2013-Present}{B.Tech in Electrical Engineering}{Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University}{Gandhinagar}{CGPA - \textbf{6.35/10} (till 7 semesters)}{}
\cventry{2013}{Higher Secondary Examination, CBSE}{St.Kabir School}{Ahmedabad}{\textbf{92.2\%}}{}
\cventry{2011}{Secondary Examination, ICSE}{Vissanji Academy}{Mumbai}{\textbf{93.6\%}}{}
% \section{Internship}
% \cventry{June-July'16}{Innovation Center}{Godrej \& Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd}{}{}{
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Identified how can we make maintaining household cleanliness and hygiene a fun and engaging activity for a variety of users which enables them to save time while cleaning, cuts down on repetitive and mundane tasks and is ergonomic and reduces human effort through an ecosystem of cleaning products.
% \item Objective: Develop Smart products/technologies to support cleanliness and hygiene in the home environment.Studying the current technologies used to provide efficient cleaning.
% \item Prototyped a hand held cleaning device.
% \end{itemize}
% }
\section{Internship and projects}
\cventry{Jan'17-Ongoing}{Solid State Transformer}{Major Project, Sem 8}{}{}{
\item Undergoing literature survey of DC-DC dual active bridge converters.
\item Will be simulating as well as prototyping the same.
\cventry{Aug-Dec'16}{3 Phase Bridge Converter fed DC motor drive}{Minor Project, Sem 7}{}{}{
\item Simulation of open \& closed loop as well as hardware of open loop was implemented.
\item Firing angle of 3 Phase Bridge converter was controlled to obtain voltage speed control.
\cventry{June-July'16}{Internship at Innovation Center}{Godrej \& Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd}{}{}{
\item Objective: Develop Smart products/technologies to support cleanliness and hygiene in the home environment.Studying the current technologies used to provide efficient cleaning.
\item Identified how can we make maintaining household cleanliness and hygiene a fun and engaging activity for a variety of users which enables them to save time while cleaning, cuts down on repetitive and mundane tasks and is ergonomic and reduces human effort through an ecosystem of cleaning products.
\item Prototyped a hand held cleaning device.
\cventry{June'15-March'16}{Prototyped Electric Car}{Shell Eco Marathon - Asia}{}{}{
\item Prototyped a single seater electric car as a member of Team Kaizen.
\item Was involved in designing and testing of motor controller for a brush type PMDC motor.
\cventry{Jan'15}{Smart wake up pillow}{MIT Media Labs workshop}{}{}{
\item Prototyped a pillow with an alarm embedded inside it with touch interface.
\item Attempt was made to create new sensors out of soft materials to embed them into fabrics.
\cventry{July'15}{Industrial Training at Thermal Power Plant}{GSECL, Wanakbori}{}{}{
\item Underwent a 10 Day in plant training program.
\cventry{June-July'14}{Civic \& Social Internship}{Saath, NGO}{}{}{
\item Undertook many case studies by traveling and talking to people in slums.
\item Imparted education by teaching in schools run by the NGO.
\cventry{2014-17}{Projects using micro-controller}{Arduino Leonardo}{}{}{
\item Robotic arm to play chess - Fabricated an arm and a chess board which tracked moves played by human using reed sensors and micro-controller.
\item Coin Hopper - Made a miniature robot for popping coins. It is a prototype of the coin dispensing machines used at banks.
\item Line Following Robot \& Gaming controller.
% Achievements
\item Secured All India Rank - \textbf{18,734} with a score of \textbf{185/360} in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains, 2013
\item Represented India at \textbf{Shell Eco-marathon, Asia} an international level competition.
\item Participated at \textbf{KPIT, Sparkle} where our electric vehicle prototype was shortlisted amongst top few from a pool of 17,000 ideas.
\item Recipient of the \textbf{President's Fellowship} . A program funded and managed by P.D.P.U. I am awarded scholarship for first semester on basis of my JEE-Merit.
\section{Positions of responsibility}
\cvitem{President}{Robotics and Automation Club of P.D.P.U}
\cvitem{}{Conducted various workshops on micro-controller.}
\cvitem{Design Head}{National Engineering Conclave, P.D.P.U }
\cvitem{}{Design Head and core committee member of the organizing body.}
\cvitem{Event}{Tech-Fest, P.D.P.U}
\cvitem{Organizer}{Managed \& organized Robotics events at the fest for two consecutive years.}
\section{Extra-curricular Activities}
\item I was a part of \textbf{Silver} winning team representing Mumbai at state level throwball competition.
\item I was a part of \textbf{Silver} winning team in Intra-college football competition.
\item I served as a \textbf{Design Head} for Team Kaizen (Shell Eco-Marathon) and National Engineering Conclave.
\item I am also a member of intra-college Basketball and Volleyball team.
% HObby
\section{Hobbies \& Interests}
\item Digital and tangible designing.
\item Playing cards.
\item Trekking.