jaeyoung cho
jaeyoung cho
Last Updated:
10년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[letterpaper]{deedy-resume} % Use US Letter paper, change to a4paper for A4
\lastupdated % Print the Last Updated text at the top right
\namesection{Jaeyoung}{Cho}{ % Your name
\urlstyle{same}\url{https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaeyoungcho} \\ % Your website, LinkedIn profile or other web address
\href{mailto:jcho12@uh.edu }{jcho12@uh.edu} | 512.222.9479 % Your contact information
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} % The left column takes up 33% of the text width of the page
% Education
\subsection{University of Houston}
\descript{PhD in Industrial Engineering}
\location{Expected Dec 2015 | Houston, TX \\ Cum. GPA: 3.81/4.00}
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\subsection{Korea University}
\descript{ME in Industrial Engineering}
\location{Feb 2006 | Seoul, Korea}
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\subsection{Troy University}
\descript{MS in International Relations}
\location{Feb 2013 | Troy, AL}
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\subsection{Korea Military Academy}
\location{Feb 2000 | Seoul, Korea}
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% Coursework
Advanced Linear Programming \\
Nonlinear Programming \\
Integer Programming \\
Operations Research \\
Management Science and Its Applications \\
Engineering Economics \\
Supply Chain Management \\
Product Development Engineering \\
Advanced Topics in Information Systems \\
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% Skills
\location{Optimization S/W:}
GAMS \textbullet{} CPLEX \textbullet{} LINGO \\
\location{Familiar S/W:}
C++ \textbullet{} MS office series \textbullet{} MATLAB \textbullet{} R\\
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\location{Korean (native), English (advance), Chinese (basic)}
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% Experience
\location{August 2013 – Present| Houstn, TX}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Developing Logistics Optimization Models and Risk Analysis Techniques
\item Assisted a Lecture of Stochastic Processes (in Fall 2013)
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\descript{| president}
\location{January 2015 – Present | Houstn, TX}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Plan \& Executed 1st INFORMS UH Conference (Apr 2015).
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\runsubsection{Rep. of Korea ARmy}
\descript{| Military Officer (Major, O-4)}
\location{Mar 2000 – Aug 2012 | Korea, Iraq, Lebanon}
\item Special Staff Officer, United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon (2010-2011).
\item Operations Officer, Rep. of Korea \& US Combined Forces Command HQ (2007-2010).
\item Commander, Multinational Operations in Iraq (2006).
\item Multiple Positions in Field Units (2000-2006).
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% Research
\section{Research Activities}
\runsubsection{System Optimization and Computing LAB (SOCL) - University of Houston}
\descript{| Research Assistant}
\location{Aug 2013 – Present | Houston, TX}
Worked with \textbf{Dr. Gino J. Lim} and \textbf{Taofeek Biobaku} to develop \textbf{Logistics Optimization and Risk Analysis Methodologies}. (funded by Qatar National Research Fund)
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% Publications
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\item Cho, J., J Lim, G., Biobaku, T., Bora, S., and Parsaei, H, \textbf{“Liquefied Natural Gas Ship Route Planning Model Considering Market Trend,”} Transactions on Maritime Science, 3(02), 119- 130.
\item Cho, J., J Lim, G., Biobaku, T., Bora, S., and Parsaei, H, \textbf{“Planning for LNG Inventory Routing under Dust Storm,”} (submitted to European Journal of Operational Research).
\item Biobaku, T., Cho, J., J Lim, G., Bora, S., and Parsaei, H, \textbf{“Literature Survey on Underwater Threat Detection,”} Transactions on Maritime Science, 4(01), 14-22.
\item Bora, S., J Lim, G., Biobaku, T., Cho, J., and Parsaei, H, \textbf{“Node Criticality Index: Assessing the Supply Chain Resiliency of a Supply Chain Network Under Disruption,”} (submitted to Annals of Operations Research).
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\runsubsection{Conference Proceedings}
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\item Cho, J., J Lim, G., Biobaku, T., Bora, S., and Parsaei, \textbf{“Safety and security management with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Oil and Gas industry,”} In AHFE Conference 2015.
\item Cho, J., J Lim, G., Biobaku, T., Bora, S., and Parsaei, \textbf{“Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Risk Monitoring in Oil and Gas industry,”} In ISERC Conference 2015
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