Dipak Dey: CV
Dipak Dey
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\name{DIPAK K. DEY}
\address{Dept. of Statistics, 215 Glenbrook Road, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269}
EMAIL: & dipak.dey@uconn.edu \\ \\
TELEPHONE: & (860) 486 4755 (Office)\\
FAX: & (860) 486-4113 (Office) \\
HOME PAGE: & http://www.stat.uconn.edu/~dey/ \\
& http://profiles.uconn.edu/ProfileDetails.aspx?From\\
&=SE\&Person=9 \\ \\
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: & http://scholar.google.com/citations?user \\
& =XodnsloAAAAJ\&hl=en \\ \\
DATE $\&$ PLACE OF BIRTH: & August 12, 1953; Calcutta, India \\ \\
CITIZENSHIP: & U.S.A. (naturalized citizen) \\
Dipak K. Dey, is a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Statistics, at the University of Connecticut. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from Purdue University in 1980. He is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. Some of the awards and honors Dey has received include the Outstanding Alumni award from the Department of Statistics, Purdue University, the first Marth award for mentorship from the University of Connecticut, the Research Excellence Award from the University of Connecticut Alumni Association, 2005 and the Research Excellence Award from the American Association of the University Professor, University of Connecticut. He has published ten books/edited volumes and over 250 refereed journal articles and book chapters in various statistical and interdisciplinary journals. His research area includes, statistical methodology and applications involving categorical and longitudinal data, classification and clustering, spatio-temporal and survival data analysis. Areas of his research applications include Biometry, Bioinformatics, Data mining, Environmetrics, Econometrics, Image processing, Morphometry, and Population Genetics. He has supervised 33 Ph.D. students and has presented more than 200 talks at professional meetings and various departments. He has been a visiting professor at Macquire University, Sydney, Australia, Pontificia Universidad de Catolica, Santiago, Chile, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta and Delhi, India, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC and Social and Decision Analytics Laboratory at Virginia Tech, National Capital Region, Arlington, VA.
\item B. Stat. (Honors), Indian Statistical Institute, 1974 (Statistics)
\item M.Stat., Indian Statistical Institute, 1975 (Specialization: Advanced Probability and Mathematical Statistics)
\item M.S., Purdue University, 1977 (Statistics)
\item Ph.D., Purdue University, 1980 (Statistics); Advisor: James O. Berger, Member NAS. (Currently at Duke University).
\item Accredited professional statistician by the American Statistical Association, August 2010.
\item Received P. Stat. (Professional Statistician Certificate).
\item Aug. 1975 Dec. 1979 Purdue University, Teaching and Research Assistant
\item Aug. 1979 Dec. 1979 Stanford University, Visiting Scholar
\item Jan. 1980 Aug. 1982 University of Kentucky, Visiting Faculty
\item Sept. 1982 Aug. 1985 Texas Tech University, Assistant Professor
\item Sept. 1985 Aug. 1990 University of Connecticut, Associate Professor
\item Sept. 1990-Present University of Connecticut, Professor
\item Oct./Nov. 1991 Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, Visiting Professor
\item Sept. 1991 Macquire University, Sydney, Visiting Professor
\item Jan. 1997-Aug. 1997 University of Connecticut, Professor and Acting Head
\item Sept.1997–Jun. 2011 University of Connecticut, Professor and Head
\item Jul. 2011-Jun. 2016 University of Connecticut, Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
\item Sept./Oct. 2001 University of British Columbia, Visiting Professor
\item Aug. 2001- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Visiting Faculty
\item Aug. 2007- Dec. 2007 Duke University, Visiting Professor
\item Jan. 2008- University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor.
\item July 2008- Associate Director, Connecticut Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (CICATS).
\item October 2016- Virginia Tech, Social Data Analytics, Arlington, VA, Visiting Professor
\item National Merit Scholarship from Government of India, August 1970 to August 1975.
\item Received awards in the form of books during undergraduate years at the Indian Statistical Institute.
\item David Ross Fellowships from July 1978 to December 1979 from Purdue University.
\item Research Excellence Award from the American Association of the University Professor, the University of Connecticut, 2004.
\item Research Excellence Award (Science) from the University of Connecticut Alumni Association, 2005.
\item Outstanding Alumni Award, Department of Statistics, Purdue University, 2007.
\item Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Award, University of Connecticut, 2008.
\item Marth Award for Mentoring Graduate Students from the American Association of the University Professor, and the Graduate School, University of Connecticut, 2012.
\item Outstanding Statistician Award, Connecticut chapter of the American Statistical Association, 2014.
\item President (1988 89) of the Connecticut Chapter of the American Statistical Association.
\item Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute, 1991.
\item Elected Life Member of the Calcutta Statistical Association, 1992.
\item Elected Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1995.
\item Fellow of the American Statistical Association, 1997.
\item Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2000.
\item President of the International Indian Statistical Association, 2002-2004.
\item Representative of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Sciences to the American Statistical Association, 2003-2005.
\item Elected Chair of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Sciences of the American Statistical Association, 2007.
\item Member of the Lindley Prize Committee under the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.
\item Program coordinator, SAMSI program on Risk Analysis, Extreme Events and Decision Theory, 2007.
\item Elected Member of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2009.
\item Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011.
\item Elected Fellow of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, 2014.
\item Editor-in-chief, “Sankhya”, The Indian Journal of Statistics, 2016-.
\item Associate Dean of CLAS ( June 1, 2011- June 30, 2016)
\item Duties include managing Physical Science Departments (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Geography, Marine Science and Integrative Geosciences)
\item In charge of Research and Development of CLAS
\item In charge of all faculty development program in the CLAS
\item In charge of Development of Corporate Partnership Program
\item In charge of Development of Global Initiative Program
\item In charge of Mentorship Program
\item Department Head of Statistics ( Sept. 1997 to May 30, 2011)
\item In charge of the budget preparation and planning
\item In charge of Development of Interdisciplinary research program with other departments and UConn Health Science Center
\item Development of Statistical Consulting Service
\item Fund raising through Alumni
\item Development of Corporate partnership with Pfizer and Travelers
\item Development of the annual news letter in the department
\item Expansion of the Department in terms of faculty and graduate students
\item Started a Library in the Department
\item Published the History of the Department
\item Executive committee member of Tech Park
\item Duties included planning, naming and designing the new Tech Park at UConn.
\item Involving faculty from CLAS to develop partnership with industry
\item Mock Panel for IGERT proposal
\item Produced written review and arranged meeting with the PIs which leaded to successful funding of the first IGERT grant at UConn.
\item Panel report for NSF PIRE grant.
\item Arranged a Professional development work shop for junior faculty on "How to stay in track"?
\item Arranged a Workshop on NSF funding opportunities as a part of the professional faculty development: UITS evaluation meetings
\item Heads Search Committee for the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Geography and interviewing candidates for various other searches.
\item Represented CLAS for HUSKY DM
\item Arranged a Workshop on faculty initiatives for Tech Park, industry academic partnership of CLAS faculty.
\item Represented CLAS in the Innovation Quest meetings
\item Presentation on career opportunities for graduate students at the first graduate Student Senate meeting.
\item Represented CLAS for OATS replacement committee.
\item Attended all the executive committee meetings of CESE, CHIP and CPHHP.
\item Helped search committees for selection of Dodd Center director, VP for International Affairs and VP for Diversity.
\item Created/ distributed matching funds for several faculties in various departments within Physical Science.
\item Attended meeting at the Graduate School for Hobson Product for managing graduate admissions, and graduate records.
\item Review panel member of NSF CAREER grants.
\section{In the Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut}
\item Chair, Graduate Admission Committee 1990 - 1993.
\item Chair, Colloquium Committee 1987 - 1991.
\item Chair, Search Committee 1988 1989, 1992-1995.
\item Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee 1995-1996.
\item Member, Graduate Examination Committee 1989 - 1997.
\item Member, Department Planning Committee 1987 1988.
\item Member, Course and Curriculum Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1988 1990.
\item Member, New England Statistics Symposium Committee 1986 - 2006.
\item Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee 1987 – 1997.
\item Member, Course and Curriculum Committee 1986 1987.
\item Member, Pfizer Colloquium Committee, 1990 - present.
\item Member, Committee on Committees of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1994-1995.
\item Member, Computer Committee, 1995 - 1997.
\item Member, Graduate Faculty Council, 1995-1996.
\item Member, Dean's Advisory Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1995-1997.
\item Member, Search Committee for Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Science.
\item Member, Committee on Public Health Initiative, 2002-.
\item Member, Synergy Committee for the School of Public Health between UConn and UConn Health Science Center, 2003-.
\item Member, Search Committee for Director, Institute for Social Inquiry/Roper Center.
\item Co-chair, Biostatistics Task Force Committee, Center for Public Health and Health Policy.
\item Member Search Committee, Assessment coordinator, Neag School of Education.
\item Member, Core Research Group of the Center for Health Communication and Marketing.
\item Member, Advisory Committee of the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
\section{At the University of Connecticut}
\item Fellow, Center for Internet Data and Research Intelligence Services (CIDRIS).
\item Fellow, Teachers for New Era (TNE), NEAG School of Education.
\item Fellow, Institute for Public Health Research.
\item Member, Selection committee for the Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, 2010-2013.
\item Member Search Committee for the Director of Biotechnology-Bioservices Center, 2011.
\item Chair, Search committee for the Head of the Department of Mathematics.
\item Member Research Advisory Council.
\item Member UTC Professorship selection committee, School of Engineering.
\item Elected member of the UCONN senate.
\item Member, Research Dean Council.
\item Taught undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics courses at Purdue University.
\item Taught Applied and Mathematical Statistics courses at the University of Kentucky.
\item Taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in Statistics and Mathematics
at Texas Tech University.
\item Taught a course on “Current Trends in Bayesian Statistics” at the University of British Columbia.
\item Taught various graduate and undergraduate courses in the Department of Statistics at University of Connecticut .
\item Currently teaching and advising graduate students in Statistics and continuing an active research program.
Member of the, American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, American Association of the Advancement of Sciences, International Biometrics Society (ENAR), The International Statistical Institute, The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, International Society for Bayesian Analysis, International Indian Statistical Association, International Chinese Statistical Association, Calcutta Statistical Association, New York Academy of Sciences and Connecticut Chapter of the American Statistical Association and Visiting Faculty, National Institute of Standards and Technology. National Cancer Institute, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences.
\item Editor, Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin, January 1998 - December 2001.
\item Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association (Theory and Methods Section), January 1997 - December 1999.
\item Co-editor, “Sankhya”, The Indian Journal of Statistics, 1998.
\item Associate Editor, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
\item Guest Editor of “Sankhya” (Special Issues on Bayesian Statistics).
\item International Editorial Board Member of "Parisankhyan Samikkha".
\item Co-editor, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Volume 129, Issues 1-2 February 2005, ISSN 0378-3758. IISA Conference Special Issue.
\item Co-editor, Statistical Methodology: Special issue on Spatial Statistics.
\item Program Committee, Joint Statistical Meetings, Dallas, Texas, 1998,
\item Summer Research Conference Committee, American Mathematical Society,
\item Referee for the American Statistician, Annals of Statistics, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Biometrika, Biometrics, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Communications in Statistics, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Test, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Naval Research Logistics, Psychometrika, Sankhya, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Sequential Analysis, South African Journal of Statistics, Statistics \& Decisions, Statistics \& Probability Letters, Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis.
\item Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews, NSF, AFOSR, Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, National Science and Technology Foundation of Chile, NSERC (Canada), Science Foundation of Ireland and Estonian National Science Foundation.
Co-chair, Assessment for Teachers for New Era, Neag School of Education,
University of Connecticut.
\item Program Reviewer, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Vermont.
Chair, International organizing committee, WVBTA and ISBA Regional Meeting,
\item Member, First Latin American Bayesian Symposium, San Jose, Costa Rica.
\item Sonalysts, Inc, Waterford, CT: Various projects involving high dimensional data mining and data streaming for DOD grant; Sonar data analysis of beaked whales under DOD grant.
\item Pitney Bowes, Shelton, CT: Consulting relating to mail response.
\item Charter Oak, CT: Nonresponse and missing data modeling from opinion survey, funded by OMB.
\item Inter Health, CA: Clinical trial design and Biostatistical data analysis of osteoarthritis and weight loss drugs based on natural products.
\item Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
\item Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Science Foundation of Ireland.
\item Hong Kong Research Grant Council.
\item Kuwait Research Foundation.
\item Estonian Research Foundation.
\item Department of Statistics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
\item Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN.
\item Department of Statistics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
\item National Security Agency 1986 87: Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Compound Multinomial and Negative Multinomial Distributions. Contract No. MDA 904 87 H2001.
\item Air Force Office of Scientific Research 1989: Fixed Sample and Sequential Problems with Applications in Reliability. Contract No. AFOSR 89 0225.
\item National Science Foundation Equipment Grant, 1989, Contract No. DMS-8905633.
\item U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Mental Health. Contract No. SM46279-05. (with C. Harmon).
\item National Science Foundation Conference Board on Mathematical Statistics, 1994 (with A.E. Gelfand). Contract No. DMS-9312931.
\item National Science Foundation, SCREMS,1995. Contract No. DMS-9506557.
\item Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1998-2001, editorship.
\item National Science Foundation, SCREMS. Contract No. DMS 9872013.
\item Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation, through the University of Connecticut Health Center, 1995-1997.
\item National Institute of Health, Organizations, Work Environment and Quality of Care, 2001-2004 (Co-PI with N. Warren, UCHC). \$ 1,428,736.
\item International Workshop on “Current Trends in Bayesian Statistics”, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2003-2004. \$5,000.
\item National Institute of Health, Semiparametric Bayesian Survival Analysis, 2002 - 2004 (Co-PI with D. Sinha, Medical University of South Carolina). UConn portion \$35,565.
\item National Institute of Health, Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Polymorphisms, 2003 - 2007 (Co-PI with D. Grant, School of Pharmacy, UConn). \$ 1,419,250.
\item U.S. Department of Defense, Storage Efficient Data Mining for High-Speed Data Streams, 2003 - 2006. STTR grant with Sonalysts Inc. UConn portion \$ 255,000.
\item Center for Public Health Health Policy, University of Connecticut (with E. Storey and A. Ferris). \$ 400,000.
\item National Institute of Health, Bayesian Methods for Analysis of Genetic Diversity (Co-PI with K. Holsinger, EEB), 2004-2008. \$ 471,000.
\item 2004 Provost’s Grant Competition, University of Connecticut. Center for Internet Data and Research Intelligence Services (CIDRIS), (Co-PI with P.Goes, School of Business). \$ 400,000.
\item Faculty Large Grant Competition, Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Education, University of Connecticut, 2005, \$13,000.
\item Faculty Research Grant, Center for Environmental Science and Engineering,
University of Connecticut, 2009, \$10,000.
\item National Institute of Health, Protein Microarray System for Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2010-2012. (Co-PI with M. Lynes, Molecular and Cell Biology),
\item National Institute of Health, Biosensor Arrays, Protein Biosensor Arrays based on Nanomaterials, 2011-2015. (Co-PI with James Rusling, Chemistry).
\item Cigna Health Care, Bloomfield, CT. Training grant \$150,000 per year, started in Jan.1, 2013. Supporting 6 graduate students.
\item Modeling and Analysis of Large Insurance Claim and Occurrence Data: A Partnership Between UConn and Travelers. August 28, 2016- 170,000.
\item Lloyd Jaising (at Texas Tech University) (Ph.D., July 1985). A Flexible Bathtub Hazard Model for Nonrepairable Systems. Professor Morehead State Univeristy, Morehead, Kentucky.(Co-advisor with W. Kolarik).
\item Pei San Liu (Ph.D., August 1989). Estimation of Parameters and Reliability in Generalized Life Model. Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
\item Younshik Chung (Ph.D., August 1990). On estimation of parameters from compound power series distributions. Professor and Associate Dean, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.
\item Fengchun Peng (Ph.D., December 1993). On the use of information and divergence measures in Bayesian analysis. Senior Manager, Credit marketing and risk management group, Sears and Roebuck and Company, Chicago.
\item Lea Birmiwal (Ph.D., May 1994). Bayesian robustness measures under different classes of priors. Manager, Birmiwal Investment Trust, Washington.
\item Hong Chang (Ph.D., August 1995). Model determination using predictive distributions. Statistician, Coopers and Lybrand, Boston and Assistant Professor Tufts Medical School..
\item Daniel T. Larose (Ph.D., August 1996). Bayesian Approaches to Meta-Analysis Using Weighted Distributions and Grouped Random Effects Models. Professor and Director of Data Mining, Central Connecticut State University.
\item Kuo-ren Lou (Ph.D., August 1996). Some Aspects of Bayesian Robustness. Associate Professor, Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan, R.O.C.
\item Malini Iyengar (Ph.D., December 1997). Bayesian Analysis of Compositional Data. Clinical Biostatistician, Smith Klein and Beecham, Collegeville, Pennsylvania.
\item Murali Niverthi (Ph.D., May 1998). Bayesian Methods in Quality Control and Software Reliability. Lincoln Financial Group, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
\item Kaushik Patra (Ph.D.,August 2000). Innnovative Approaches to Reliability and Survival Analysis. Science Associate Director at MedImmune Washington, DC.
\item Athanasios Micheas (Ph.D., August 2001). Statistical Modeling and Geometry of Shapes. Associate Professor, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
\item Amitabha Bhaumik (Ph.D., August 2003). Dynamic Hierarchical Models with Application. Manager, Biostatistics at Sanofi Pasteur, Allentown, Pennsylvania..
\item Junfeng Liu (Ph.D., December 2003). On Skew-Elliptical Distribution with Novel Applications. Post doctoral fellow, Yale University, Currently Assistant Professor, UMDNJ-School of Public Health
Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey.
\item Rongwei Fu (Ph.D., December 2003). Probabilistic Structure and Statistical Inference for Nonexplicit Population Models and Allele Frequency. Associate Professor, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon.
\item Seongho Song (Ph.D., August 2005). Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Geographically Structured Populations. Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati.
\item Samiran Ghosh (Ph.D., August 2006). Clustering, Classification and Function Estimation for High Dimensional Data Arising from Bioinformatics and Related Domains. Assistant Professor, of Bio-Statistics at Weill Cornell Medical College, NY. Currently at the Department of Bio Statistics at Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI.
\item Ulysses Diva (Ph.D., August 2006). Novel Approaches in Modeling Spatially Correlated Multivariate Data. Bristol Myers Squibb, Wallingford, CT.
\item Feng Guo ( Ph. D., August 2007). Modeling Genetic Data using Bayesian Hierarchical Models. Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
\item Sourish Das (Ph. D., June 2008). Generalized Linear Model and Beyond: An Innovative Approach from Bayesian Perspective. Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Statistical Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC. Currently Assistant Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India.
\item Xia Wang (Ph.D., May 2009). General Classes of Skewed Link Functions for Categorical Response Data. Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati.
\item Elijah Gaioni (Ph.D. July 2009). Semiparametric Functional Estimation and
Extreme Value Modeling Using Mixture Distributions and Limited Quantile Information. Post-doc at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, New York, currently at American Express, New York, NY..
\item Sylvie Tchumtchoua (Ph.D. July 2010). Bayesian Semiparametric Models for Discrete Longitudinal Data. Post doctoral fellow, SAMSI, Research Triangle Park, NC.
\item Sandra Hurtado (Ph. D. May 2011). A New Class of Bayesian Survival Models and Beyond. Assistant Professor, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH.
\item Marcos Prates (Ph.D. May 2011). Link Specification and Spatial Dependence for Generalized Linear Mixed Models. (Co-advisor with J. Yan). Assistant Professor, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Bello Horizonte, Brazil.
\item Ran Liu (Ph.D. August 2012). Clustering, classification and Segmentation, of 3-dimensional images. Biostatistician, Merck Pharmaceuticals, NJ.
\item Karthik Bharath (Ph. D. August 2012). Asymptotics of Clustering Criteria for Smooth Distributions. (Co-advisor with V. Pozdnyakov). Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham, UK.
\item Wenqing Li (Ph.D. October 2012). Bayesian Design of Non- Inferiority Clinical Trials. (Co-advisor with M.-H. Chen).
\item Xunjin (Tony) Jiang (Ph.D. June 2013, expected). Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling and Analysis of Ecological and Evolutionary Biological Data. Biostatistician, Amgen Corporation, Thousand Oaks, CA.
\item Gyuhyeong Goh (Ph.D. August 2015). Model Selection and Diagnostics using Bregman Divergence.
Assistant Professor, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
\item Chantal Larose (Ph. D. August 2015). Clustering and Classification under Missing Data Mechanisms. (Co-advisor with O. Harel). Assistant Professor, State University of New York, Newpalz, NY.
\item Guang Ouyang (Ph.D. August 2015). Bayesian Social Network. ID Analytics, San Diego, CA.
\item Abhisek Saha (Ph.D. August 2016). Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Theory and Its Applications to Longitudinal Education Data. (Co-advisor with X. Wang).
\item Dooti Roy (Ph.D. May 2017). Univariate and multivariate survival models with flexible hazard functions.
\item Ved Deshpande (Ph.D. 2017, expected). (Co-advisor with E. Schiaffano).
\item Aditya Mishra (Ph.D. 2017, expected). (Co-advisor with K. Chen).
\item Chongliang Luo (Ph.D. 2017, expected). (Co-advisor with K. Chen).
\item Shariq Mohammed (Ph.D. 2018, expected). (Co-advisor with Y. Zhang).
\item Aritra Halder (Ph.D. 2020, expected).
\item Rafael Farias, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
\item Fabio DeMarqui, Federal Unoversity of Minas Gerias, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
\item Yiqi Bao, University of Sao Paulo,Sao Carlos, Brazil.
\item José Augusto Fiorucci, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil.
\item Zaida Quiroz Cornejo, Campinas State University, Campinas, Brazil.
\item Pedro Ramos, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil.
\item Marcia delia Branco, Ph.D. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
\item Chansoo Kim, Ph.D. Pusan National University, Korea.
\item Sung-Duk Kim, Ph.D. Pusan National University, Korea.
\item Jayanta K. Pal, Ph.D. University of Michigan, at SAMSI.
\item Juan Carlos Vivar, Ph.D. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
\item Jinhyuk Jung, Ph.D. Pusan National University, Korea.
\item Victor Hugo Lachos Davilla, Ph.D. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
\item Carlos Antonio Abanto Valle, Ph.D. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
\item Vicente Cancho Gariby, Ph. D. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
\item Gladys Barriga, Ph. D. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
\item Lourdes Coral Contreras Montenegro, Ph. D. Federal University of Minas Gerias, Belo Hoizonte, Brazil.
\section{COMMITTEE SERVICE \\National or International}
\item Representative of the Section of Bayesian Statistics to the American Statistical Association, 2002-2004.
\item Representative of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics to the American Mathematical Society, 1998-2000.
\item Organizing committee member on the International Conference jointly sponsored by Bernoulli Society and Indian Statistical Institute, 1997-1998.
\item Member, Nominating Committee of the Institute of the Mathematical Statistics, 1997-1998.
\item Member, Publication Committee of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1997- 2001.
\item Member, Program Committee, Joint Statistical Meetings, 1997-1998.
\item Member, Memorial Committee of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1998 - 2000.
\item Member, Organizing Committee, International Society for Bayesian Statistics meeting at Vina del Mar, Chile, 2004.
\item Member, Committee on Selection of Editors of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2003 - 2005. Chair during 2005.
\item Member, Archive and Historical Committee, American Statistical Association, 2003 - 2009.
\item Chair, Advisory Committee, International Conference on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, Varanasi, India, January 2005.
\item Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, International Conference on the Future in Statistical Theory, Practice and Education, Hyderabad, India, December 2004.
\item Member, International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas, 2003.
\item Member NIH research panel on ``Modeling and Applications in Biological Systems", 2004.
\item Member NIH research panel on ``Clinical Proteomics", 2005.
\item Member NIH research panel on ``Bioinformatics", 2005.
\item Member, Savage Award committee, International Society of Bayesian Analysis, 2005-2006.
\item Member, Fellow Selection Committee, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2007-2009.
\item Member, Fellow Selection Committee, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2007-2009.
\item Member, Accreditation Implementation Committee of the American Statistical Association, 2010-.
\item COPSS Presidents' Award Committee, 2010-2013.
\item Member, SBSS constitution committee, 2010.
\item Chair, Advisory Committee, International Conference on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, Varanasi, India, January 2013.
\item International Advisory Board member of the first Latin American summer school in Bayesian Statistics, sponsored by ISBA, at
University of Costa Rica, July 2013.
\item Descriptive Statistics
\item Applied Regression Analysis
\item Design of Experiments
\item Statistical Methods
\item Intermediate Probability Theory
\item Statistical Decision Theory
\item Multivariate Analysis
\item Reliability and Statistical Quality Control
\item Theory of Estimation
\item Statistical Inference
\item Biostatistics
\item Bayes Theory
\item Longitudinal Data Analysis
\item Linear Models I
\item Linear Models II
\item Bayesian Data Analysis
\item Department of Statistics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, February, 1980.
\item Department of Statistics, State University of New York, Buffalo, January1981.
\item Department of Statistics, University of California, Riverside, February 1981.
\item Department of Mathematics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, March 1982.
\item Conference for Texas Statisticians, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, April 1984.
\item Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, July 1984, October 1991, November 1991.
\item Department of Statistics, Harvard University, October 1985.
\item Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts, November 1985, October 1990, November 1994.
\item Southern Regional Educational Board, Committee on Statistics, Boone, North Carolina, June 1985.
\item IMS Regional Meeting, West Lafayette, Indiana, June 1986.
\item Department of Mathematics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, December1987, October 1993.
\item Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland at Baltimore County, December 1988.
\item R.C. Bose Symposium on Probability, Statistics and Design of Experiment, New Delhi, India, December 1988.
\item International Conference on recent developments in Statistical data analysis and inference, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, August 1989.
\item NBER-NSF Seminar on Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistics, University of Chicago, October 1989.
\item Department of Mathematics, University of Maine, March 1990.
\item Brazil-U.S. Workshop on Bayesian Statistics and Econometrics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1990.
\item Recent Developments in Probability and Statistics, Conference in memory of C.G. Khatri, New Delhi, India, December 1990.
\item Department of Mathematics, Boston University, March 1991.
\item Statistical Research Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington D.C., July 1991.
\item Institute of Statistics \& Decision Sciences, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, July 1991.
\item School of Economic and Financial Studies, Macquire University, Sydney, Australia, September 1991.
\item Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Fujen Catholic University, Hsinchuang, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Chung San University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Tsing Hwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1991.
\item Department of Mathematics, Cornell University, March 1992.
\item International Conference on Bayesian Robustness. CNR IAMI, Milano, Italy, May 1992.
\item Fifth Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics. West Lafayette, Indiana, June 1992.
\item Department of Mathematics, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, November 1992.
\item First Multinational Riverboat Conference on Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics, Basel-Amsterdam, April-May, 1993.
\item Joint Statistical Meetings, San Francisco, August 1993.
\item Department of Statistics, Rutgers University, September 1993.
\item Fifth International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, Alicante, Spain, June 1994.
\item Second International Society of Bayesian Analysis meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 1994.
\item Department de Mathematiques et de Statistique, Universite de Montreal, December 1994.
\item Second International Workshop on Bayesian Robustness, Rimini, Italy, May 1995.
\item Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge, U.K., May 1995.
\item Fourth Conference on Model Oriented Data Analysis, Spetses, Greece, June 1995.
\item Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London, U.K., June 1995.
\item Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, July 1995.
\item Joint Statistical Meeting at Orlando, Florida, August 1995.
\item Third International Society of Bayesian Analysis Meeting, Oaxaca, Mexico, September 1995.
\item Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, October 1995.
\item Center for Statistical Sciences, Brown University, Providence, November 1995.
\item Second Workshop on Intrinsic Bayes Factor, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, November 1995.
\item Department of Mathematics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, December 1995.
\item Workshop on Default Bayesian Statistical Methodology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, November 1996.
\item Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, March 1997.
\item Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, April 1997.
\item Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke University, April 1997.
\item Inter American Statistical Institute, University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, May 1997.
\item Department of Mathematics \& Statistics, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, July 1997.
\item Joint Statistical Meetings, Biometrics Section, Anaheim, California, August 1997.
\item Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Bayesian Statistics, Anaheim, California, August 1997.
\item Department of Mathematics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, October 1997.
\item INFORMS Meeting at Dallas, Texas, October 1997.
\item Third International Triennial Calcutta Symposium, University of Calcutta, December 1997.
\item Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati, May 1998.
\item Sixth Valencia Conference on Bayesian Statistics, Alcosebre, Spain, May 1998.
\item Sixth Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory, West Lafayette, Indiana, June 1998.
\item Thirteenth Brazilian Symposium of Probability and Statistics, Caxambu, Brazil, July 1998.
\item Departamento de Estatistica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, July 1998.
\item Departamento de Mathematica, Universidade de São Carlos, Brazil, July 1998.
\item Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Bayesian Statistics, Dallas, Texas, August 1998.
\item Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, September 1998.
\item International Indian Statistical Association Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, October 1998.
\item Department of Statistics, University of Georgia, Athens, November 1998.
\item The International Biometric Society (ENAR) Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1999.
\item Department of Mathematics, Boston University, April 1999.
\item Department of Statistics, Texas A\&M University, May 1999.
\item Fourth Chilean workshop on Bayesian Statistics, Santiago, Chile, January 2000.
\item Keynote Speaker, Fourteenth New England Statistics Symposium, Brown University, April 2000.
\item American Mathematical Society’s Summer Research Conference, Mount Holyoke College, June 2000.
\item Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Bio Pharmaceutical Statistics, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 2000.
\item Department of Biometry, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, August 2000.
\item Department of Statistics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, November 2000.
\item Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Southampton, UK, December 2000.
\item Department of Statistics, University of Leeds, UK, December 2000.
\item Fourth International Triennial Calcutta Symposium, University of Calcutta, December 2000.
\item International Indian Statistical Association Meeting, New Delhi, January 2001.
\item Department of Statistics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, April 2001.
\item Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, April 2001.
\item Keynote Speaker, Louisiana Chapter of the American Statistical Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2001.
\item Department of Statistics, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea, July 2001.
\item Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, July 2001.
\item Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, September 2001.
\item Department of Statistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, October 2001.
\item Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, November 2001.
\item Department of Statistics, Calcutta University, at the Diamond Jubilee Celebration, January 2002.
\item Hawaii International Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2002.
\item Conference on Statistics, Probability and Related Areas, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, Illinois, June 2002.
\item Department of Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil, July 2002.
\item Special Invited paper at the 15th Brazilian Statistical Society Meeting at Aguas de Lindoya, São Paulo, Brazil, August 2002.
\item Joint Statistical Meeting, New York, August 2002.
\item Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, October 2002.
\item Fifth Latin American Statistical Association Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2002.
\item International Conference on Ranking and Selection, Multiple Comparisons, Reliability and Their Applications, Chennai, India, December 2002.
\item International Conference: Statistics in Industry and Business, Cochin, India, January 2003.
\item Current Trends in Bayesian Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, January 2003.
\item Statistical Society of Montreál, Montreál, Canada, March 2003.
\item Department of Statistics, Penn State University, State College, April 2003.
\item Seventh Purdue Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, June 2003.
\item 7th Latin American Congress on Bayesian Statistics, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, July, 2003.
\item Department of Statistics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, November 2003.
\item International Workshop on Applied Probability, University of Pireus, Greece, March 2004.
\item International Society of Bayesian Analysis, Vin`a del Mar, Chile, May, 2004.
\item International Indian Statistical Association meeting, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, June 2004.
\item Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Canada, August 2004.
\item Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor, Canada, November, 2004.
\item International Conference on the Future in Statistical Theory, Practice and Education, Hyderabad, India, December 2004.
\item International Conference on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, Varanasi, India, January 2005.
\item Second Latin American Congress on Bayesian Statistics, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico, February, 2005.
\item Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, ‘05, Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, May 2005.
\item Workshop on Recent Advances in Modeling Spatio-temporal Data, Southampton Statistical Science Research Institute, University of Southampton, UK, May 2005.
\item Fifth International Conference on Objective Bayesian Statistics, Branson, MO, June 2005.
\item Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, July, 2005.
\item The Joint Meeting of the Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Beijing, China, July 2005.
\item The Joint Statistical Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, August 2005.
\item Department of Biostatistics \& Computational Biology, University of Rochester Medical School, Rochester, NY, September 2005.
\item Fifth Annual Red Raider Mini-Symposium on “Geometry, Statistics and Image Analysis” at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, November, 2005.
\item International Conference In Statistics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December, 2005.
\item Department of Genetics, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, January
\item International Chinese Statistical Association, Applied Statistics conference,
Storrs, CT, June, 2006.
\item Institute of Statistics \& Decision Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, September 2006.
\item Division of Probability and Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Center, Delhi, India, December, 2006.
\item Multivariate Statistical Methods in the 21st Century. International Celebrating the Birth Centenary conference in honor of S. N. Roy, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. December, 2006.
\item Seventh Triennial conference in Statistics, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India. December 2006.
\item International Indian Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Meeting and International Conference, Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology. Cochin, India, January 2007.
\item Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, February, 2007.
\item Tenth Regression School, Brazilian Statistical Association, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, February, 2007.
\item Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 2007.
\item Department of Statistics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, March 2007.
\item Division of Mathematics, IBM T J Watson Research Center, Yorktown, New York, March, 2007.
\item Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, June 2007.
\item International Chinese Statistical Association, Apllied Statistics Symposium, Raleigh, NC, June 2007.
\item Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2007.
\item Department of Statistical Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, August, 2007.
\item Division of Biostatistics, National Institute of Environmental Health and Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC, September 2007.
\item Current and Future Trends in Nonparametrics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, October 2007.
\item Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, November, 2007.
\item Undergraduate Workshop at the SAMSI program on Risk Analysis, Extreme Events and Decision Theory, SAMSI, Research Triangle Park, NC, November, 2007.
\item International Conferences on Statistical Paradigms: Recent Advances and Reconciliations, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, January 2008.
\item Inaugural Lecture at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Science and Technology in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India, January 2008.
\item International Biometrics Society, ENAR, Crystal City, VA, March, 2008.
\item Odyssey Lecture, Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, March, 2008.
\item SAMSI workshop on Risk Revisited, Durham, NC, May, 2008.
\item International Indian Statistical Association conference, Storrs, CT, May, 2008.
\item University of Rochester Medical School, Rochester, NY, January, 2009.
\item Department of Statistics, George Washington University, D C, April, 2009.
\item Seventh Bayesian Nonparametrics Workshop, Moncalieri, Italy, June 2009.
\item International Indian Statistical Association conference, Visakhapatnam, India, January 2010.
\item Division of Computational Biology, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India, January, 2010.
\item International conference on Statistics and Probability, Pontificia Universidad de Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru, February, 2010.
\item Special invited talk on Mentoring at the New Researchers’ conference. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 2010.
\item Joint Statistical Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, August 2010.
\item International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Montpellier, France, August 2010.
\item International Chinese Statistical Society Meeting, Guangzhou, China, December 2010.
\item Department of Applied Mathematics, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, January 2011.
\item National Institute for Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani, India, January 2011.
\item Mu Sigma Rho invited talk, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, April, 2011.
\item Probabilistic and Inferential Aspects of Skew-Symmetric Models, Santiago, Chile, May 2011.
\item Invited discussant at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami beach, FL, August 2011.
\item Department of Statistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Ma, September 2011.
\item Plenary speaker, 53rd Annual meeting of the South African Statistical Association, Pretoria, 2011, October 2011.
\item Department of Economics, University of Pretoria, South Africa, November 2011.
\item Professional Development Conference at the Graduate Student Senate, University of Connecticut, April 2012.
\item International Chinese Statistical Association meeting, Boston, MA.
\item 20th Brazilian Statistical Association Meeting, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, July 2012.
\item Department of Statistics, Campinas State University, Campinas, Brazil, August, 2012.
\item Department of Statistics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Bello Horizonte, Brazil, August, 2012.
\item Department of Statistics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, August, 2012.
\item Invited speaker at the symposium on Non-Gaussian Multivariate Statistical Models and Their Applications, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada.
\item First Latin American Symposium in Bayesian Statistics, sponsored by ISBA, at University of Costa Rica, July 2013.
\item Invited speaker at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Montreal, Canada, August 2013.
\item Invited speaker at Stat 2013: Socio-Economic Challenges and Sustanable Solutions, C R Rao AIMCS, Hyderabad, India, December 2013.
\item Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, January 2014.
\item Division of Applied Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, January 2014.
\item Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, January 2014.
\item Plenary speaker: 12th Brazilian conference on Bayesian Statistics, Atibaia, Sao Paulo, March 2014.
\item Plenary speaker: Applied Statistics workshop, School of Statistics, Renmin University, Beijing, China, June, 2014.
\item School of Statistics, Renmin University, Beijing, China, June 2014.
\item Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June 2014.
\item Frontiers of Hierarchical Modeling in Observational Studies, Complex Surveys and Big Data: Conference in honor of M. Ghosh, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, June, 2014.
\item International Chinese Statistical Association, Fort Collins, Co, June, 2014.
\item Plenary speaker: 3rd International conference in Probability and Statistics, PUCC, Lima, Peru, August, 2014.
\item Silver Jubilee Lecturer: Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India, January, 2015.
\item Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai Branch, January 2015.
\item Center for Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Calcutta, January 2015.
\item Plenary Speaker at the Brazilian Conference on Regression, Campinas, Brazil, March 2015.
\item Plenary Speaker at the Conference in honor of Alan Gelfand, Duke University, April 2015.
\item International Chinese Statistical Association, Portland, OR, June 2015.
\item Department of Statistics, Texas A \& M University, College Station, Texas, September, 2015.
\item Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Texas, Houston, Texas, September, 2015.
\item Cogitas Business Analytics Inc. Mumbai, India, December, 2015.
\item Plenary Speaker, International Indian Statistical Association meeting, Pune, India, December, 2015.
\item Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India, January, 2016.
\item SIAM conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Lausanne, Switzerland, April, 2016.
\item Bayes, Frequentist and Fiducial Workshop at DIMAC, Rutgers University, NJ, April 2016.
\item Social Decision Analysis Laboratory, Virginia Tech at Arlington, VA, May, 2016
\item International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics conference, Barcelona, Spain, June, 2016.
\item International Society for Bayesian Analysis World Congress, Cagliary, Sardinia, Italy, June, 2016.
\item Department of Mathematics, University of Nottingham, England, September, 2016.
\item Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, England, September, 2016.
\item Department of Mathematics, University of Glasgow, Scotland, September, 2016.
\item Department of Economics, Heriot Watt University, Scotland, September, 2016.
\item Department of Mathematical Sciences,, University of Southampton, Scotland, October, 2016.
\item Department of Statistics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Ks, Novemeber, 2016.
\item Invited presentation at the workshop for Sankhya at the Indian Statistical Instidute, Kolkata, Decmber, 2016.
\item Invited Speaker, The First Eastern Asia Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, Shanghai, China, December, 2016.
\item Invited Speaker, The 10th ICSA international conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, December,2016.
\item Invited Speaker,at the conference on Quantitave Methods for Public Health Researchers in SAARC Countries, sponsored by International Statistical Institute and World Bank, Kolkata, December, 2016.
\item Applied Statistics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, January, 2017.
\item Indian Institute of Management, Analytics group, Calcutta, India, January, 2017.
\item Invited Speaker, ENAR meeting, Washington, D.C., March, 2017.
\item Invited Speaker, LIDA conference, Storrs, CT.,May, 2017.
\item IMS Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, August 1982.
\item Sixth International Symposium on Multivariate Analysis, Pittsburgh, July, 1983.
\item IMS Regional Meeting, Austin, Texas, March 1985.
\item International Symposium on Advances of Multivariate Analysis Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, December 1985.
\item National ASA Meeting, Las Vegas, August 1985.
\item National ASA Meeting, Chicago, August 1986.
\item First New England Statistics Symposium, April 1987.
\item IMS Regional Meeting, Blacksburg, Virginia, May 1987.
\item National ASA Meeting, San Francisco, August 1987.
\item Second New England Statistics Symposium, University of Massachusetts, April 1988.
\item National ASA Meeting, New Orleans, August 1988
\item National ASA Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 1989.
\item Fourth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, Peniscola, Spain, April 1991.
\item NBER-NSF seminar on Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistics, Duke University, October 1992.
Decision Theory, Multivariate Analysis, Bayesian Analysis, Biostatistics, Computational Statistics, Reliability and Survival Analysis, Statistical Shape Analysis, Statistical Genetics, Bioinformatics.
\item Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Statistics. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes Series, Volume 133 (with P. Müller and D. Sinha), 1999.
\item Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective. Marcel-Dekker, Inc. (with S. K. Ghosh and B.K. Mallick), 2001.
\item A First Course for Linear Models. Chapman and Hall, CRC (with N. Ravishanker), 2002.
\item Handbook of Statistics Vol.25, ”Bayesian Thinking, Modeling and Computation”, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (with C.R. Rao), 2005.
\item Bayesian Statistics and its Application. Proceedings of the International conference on Bayesian Statistics, Varanasi, India, eds. with U. Singh and S.K. Upadhyaya, 2006.
\item Essential Bayesian Models. November 2010. North Holland. (With C.R. Rao).
\item Bayesian Bioinformatics. Chapman \& Hall CRC (with S. Ghosh and B.K. Mallick), 2010.
\item Frontiers of Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysis. Springer (with M.-H. Chen, P. Mueller, D. Sun and K. Ye). 2010.
\item Current Trends in Bayesian Methodology with Applications, May 2015. CRC Press. ( With Satyanshu K. Upadhyay and Umesh Singh).
\item Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis: Methods and Applications. January 2016.
CRC Press. (With J. Yan).
\item On truncation of shrinkage estimators in simultaneous estimation of normal means. J. American Statist. Assoc. (1983), 78 (384): 865 869 (with J.O. Berger).
\item Combining coordinates in simultaneous estimation of normal means. J. Statist. Planning and Inference (1983)2: 143 161 (with J.O. Berger).
\item On truncation of multiparameter estimator in discrete exponential families. Comm. Statist. A (1983),(12): 89 101.
\item On the choice of coordinates in simultaneous estimation of normal means under misspecification of normal priors. Comm. Statist. A (1983),(6): 661 673.
\item Trimmed estimates in simultaneous estimation of parameters in exponential families. J. Multivariate Analysis (1984), 15 (2): 183 200 (with M. Ghosh).
\item On simultaneous estimation of parametric functions in a contingency table. J. Statist. Comp. \& Simul. (1984), 20: 261 269.
\item Simultaneous estimation of Poisson means under contaminated prior. Metron. (1984), 85 91.
\item Truncation of shrinkage estimators of normal means in the nonsymmetric case. Multivariate Analysis (1985), 6: 43 56 (ed. P.R. Krishnaiah) (with J.O. Berger).
\item Estimation of Covariance matrix under Stein's loss. Ann. Statist. (1985), 13, 1581 1591 (with C. Srinivasan).
\item On the inadmissibility of preliminary test estimators when the loss involves a complexity cost. Ann. Inst. Statist.Math. (1986), 38, A: 419 427.
\item Trimmed minimax estimator of covariance matrix. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. (1986), 38, A: 47 54 (with C. Srinivasan).
\item On estimation of Poisson logits. Comm. Statist. (1986), A 15: 2087 2098. Special issue on Stein type multivariate estimation (with C. Srinivasan).
\item Simultaneous estimation of parameters under entropy loss. J. Statist. Planning and Inference (1987), 15: 347 363 (with M. Ghosh and C. Srinivasan).
\item A flexible bathtub hazard model for nonrepairable systems with uncensored data. Microelectronics and Reliability (1987), 27 (1): 87 103 (with L. Jaisingh and W. Kolarik).
\item A bathtub hazard model and an application to system warranty. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Sciences (1987), 48: 20 25 (with L. Jaisingh and W. Kolarik).
\item Improved estimation of a multinormal precision matrix. Statistics and Probability Letters (1987), 6: 125 128.
\item A new inadmissibility theorem with applications to estimation of survival and hazard rates and means in the scale parameter family. Sankhya (1988), A, 50(2),269 281. (With A. Das Gupta and A.E. Gelfand).
\item Improved estimator of disturbance variance in a linear regression model. Journal of Econometrics (1988), 39,387 395 (with A .E. Gelfand).
\item On the estimation of variance ratio. J. Statist. Planning and Inference (1988), 19: 121 131 (with A.E. Gelfand).
\item Simultaneous estimation of eigenvalues. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. (1988), 1: 137 147.
\item Improved estimation of variance components in mixed models. Comm. Statist. (1988) A (17): 3313 3331, (with A.E. Gelfand).
\item Estimation of system reliability for independent series components with Weibull life distributions. IEEE Transactions on Reliability (1988), 37: 401 405 (with L. Jaisingh).
\item Estimation of series system reliability for exponentially distributed component life times. Microelectronics and Reliability, (1988), 28; 6: 909 917, (with A.K. Singh and A. Singh).
\item On estimation of the scale matrix of the multivariate F distribution. Comm. Statist. (1989), A, 1373-1384.
\item Improved estimation of a patterned covariance matrix. J. Multivariate Analysis (1989), 31:(1), 107-116. (with A.E. Gelfand).
\item A class of minimax estimators of the scale parameter of uniform distribution, Statist. and Prob. Letters, (1990), 9, 317-321. (with A.L. Rukhin and L. Kuo).
\item Estimation of parameters and reliability from generalized life models, Comm. Statist. (1990) A, 19, 1073-1099. (With P.S. Liu).
\item Estimation of scale parameters in mixture distributions. Canadian J. Statist. (1990), 18, 171-178.
\item On the admissibility of the linear estimators of the Poisson mean using LINEX loss function, Statist. and Decisions, (1990), 8, 201-210. (With L. Kuo).
\item A new class of improved estimators of a multinormal precision matrix. Statistics and Decisions, (1990), 8, 141-151. (With C. Srinivasan and M. Ghosh).
\item On estimation of discriminant coefficients Statist. and Prob. Letters, (1991) 11, 189-193 (with C. Srinivasan).
\item On measuring Bayesian robustness of contaminated classes of priors. Statistics and Decisions, (1991) 9, 63-80 (with A.E. Gelfand).
\item A new empirical Bayes estimator with type II censored data, Computational Statistics \& Data Anal. (1991) 12, 271-279 (with L. Kuo).
\item Multiparameter estimation in truncated power series distributions under Stein's loss. Comm. Statist. (1991), A. 20, 309-326 (with Y. Chung).
\item Comments on "Bayesian Pitman Closeness" by M. Ghosh and P.K. Sen, Comm. Statist. (1991) A, 20, 3689-3691.
\item On comparison of estimators in a generalized life model. Microelectronics and Reliability 32, 207-221 (1992) (with P.S. Liu).
\item Compound Poisson distributions: properties and applications. Comm. Statist. (1992) A, 21, 3097-3122 (with Y. Chung).
\item Model determination using predictive distributions with implementation via sampling-based methods. (With A.E. Gelfand and H. Chang). Bayesian Statistics 4. (Bernardo et al. ed.), (1992), 147-167.
\item Bayes computation for life testing and reliability. IEEE Transactions in Reliability (1992), 41, 621-626 (with T.M. Lee).
\item Improved estimation of common scale parameter of several Pareto distributions. Calcutta Statist. Assoc. Bull. (1992), 42, 177-189 (with P.S. Liu).
\item Frequentist validity of posterior quantiles in the presence of a nuisance parameter: higher order asymptotics. Biometrika, (1993), 80, 3, 499-505 (with R. Mukerjee).
\item Estimating bivariate errors-in-variables models with instrumental variables. Comm. Statist. B, (1993), 22, 863-876 (with J.M. Clapp).
\item Measuring local influence of posterior features under contaminated classes of priors. Statistics and Decisions (1993), 11, 377-390 (with L. Birmiwal).
\item On the choice of prior for the Bayes estimation in accelerated life testing. J. Statist. Comp. and Simultaion (1993), 48, 207-217 (with F. Peng).
\item Properties for a multivariate survival distribution generated by Weibull-inverse Gaussian mixture, IEEE Transactions on Reliability (1993), 42, 618-622 (with W.S. Griffith \& L. Jaisingh).
\item Bayesian robustness for multiparameter problems. J. Statist. Planning and Inference (1994), 40, 375-382 (with M. Delampady).
\item Comments on “Uniform and subuniform posterior robustness: the sample size problem” by A. DasGupta and S. Mukhopadhyay, J. Statist. Planning and Inference, (1994), 40, 201-203.
\item Bayesian model choice: asymptotics and exact calculations. J. Royal Statist. Soc., B, (1994), 56, 501-514 (with A.E. Gelfand).
\item Robust Bayesian analysis using divergence measures. Statist. Prob. Letters (1994), 20, 287-294 (with L.R. Birmiwal).
\item Simultaneous estimation of parameters from power series distributions under asymmetric loss. J. Korean Statist. Soc. 23, (1994), 151-166 (with Y. Chung).
\item The application of improved eigenvalue estimation to adaptive beamforming and detection. IEEE Twenty-eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California (1994), 677-681, (with D.A. Abraham).
\item Simultaneous estimation of Poisson means under weighted entropy loss. Calcutta Statist. Assoc. Bulletin (1994), 44, 165-174, (with Y. Chung, and C. Kim).
\item Modeling expert opinion arising as a partial probabilistic specification J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., (1995), 90, 598-604, (with A.E. Gelfand and B. Mallick).
\item Modeling heterogeneity and extraneous variation using weighted distributions. MODA4 - Advances in Model Oriented Data Analysis, Physica-Verlag, (1995), 241-250, (with F. Peng and D. Larose).
\item Bayesian analysis of outlier problems using divergence measures. Canadian Journal of Statistics, (1995), 23,2, 194-213, (with F. Peng).
\item A Bayesian predictive approach to determining the number of components in a mixture distribution. Statistics and Computing, (1995), 5, 297-305, (with L. Kuo and S.K. Sahu).
\item Shrinkage estimation in time series using a bootstrapped covariance estimate. J. of Statist. Comp. \& Simul., (1995), 53, 259-267, (with N. Ravishanker and L.S.-Y. Wu).
\item Measuring information contained in nuisance parameters: Poisson ratio problem. Parisankhyan Samikkha, Special Issue. (1995), 2, 9-29, (with F. Peng).
\item Bayesian approach in model selection for the binary response data. Advances in Econometrics, (1996), 11, A, 145-175 (with H. Chang and S. Ray).
\item Estimation of Langmuir constants using linear and nonlinear least squares regression analyses. Soil Science Society of America Journal, (1996), 60, 2, 433-442, (with C.P. Schulthess).
\item Comments on "The Intrinsic Bayes factor for linear models" by J.O. Berger and L.R. Pericchi, Bayesian Statistics 5. (Bernardo et. al. ed.), (1996), 39-40.
\item Comments on "Local sensitivity analysis" by P. Gustafson, C. Srinivasan and L. Wasserman, Bayesian Statistics 5. (Bernardo et al. ed.), (1996), 208-209, (with S. K. Ghosh).
\item On local sensitivity measures in Bayesian analysis (with discussion). Lecture Notes - IMS Monograph Series, (1996), 29, 21-39, (with S.K. Ghosh and K. Lou).
\item Bayesian estimation of entropy with applications in model diagnostics, Special Issue: Journal of Statistical Research, (1996), 30, 1, 9-20, (with A. Gangopadhyay).
\item Shrinkage estimation of contemporaneous outliers in concurrent time series. Comm. Statist. B, (1996), 25, 643-656, (with N. Ravishanker, L.S.-Y. Wu).
\item Weighted distributions viewed in the context of model selection: a Bayesian perspective. Test, (1996), 5, 227-246, (with D. T. Larose).
\item Bayes factor for change-point problem with conjugate prior. J. Korean Statist. Soc., 25, 577-588, (with Y. Chung).
\item Bayesian approach to change point problems via predictive distribution. Comm. Statist., Theory and Methods, (1997), 26, 2035-2047, (with S. Purkayastha).
\item Overdispersed generalized linear models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (1997), 64, 93-107, (with A.E. Gelfand and F. Peng).
\item Grouped random effects models for Bayesian meta-analysis, Statist. in Medicines, (1997), 16, 1817-1829, (with D.T. Larose).
\item Semiparametric Bayesian analysis of survival data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., (1997) 92, 1195-1212, (with D. Sinha).
\item A nonparametric approach to the k-sample inference based on entropy. Nonparametric Statistics, (1997),8, 237-252, (with A. Gangopadhyay and R. DiSario).
\item A Weibull regression model with gamma frailties for multivariate survival data. Life Time Data Analysis (1997), 3, 1-15, (with S.K. Sahu, H. Aslanidou and D. Sinha).
\item Bayesian approach for the nonlinear random effects models. Biometrics (1997), 53, 15-28, (with M.-H. Chen and H. Chang).
\item Measuring the effect of observations using posterior and intrinsic Bayes factor with vague prior information. (1997), Sankhya, A, 59, 376-391 (with S.K. Ghosh and H. Chang).
\item Modeling toxicological multivariate mortality data: a Bayesian perspective. Proceedings of the conference on “Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data: Methods, Applications and Future Directions”. (1997), 123-134, Springer-Verlag (with D. Sinha and H. Chu).
\item Anilisis Bayesiano de datos de modelos de respuesta bivaria longitudinales. Ciencias Economicas, XVI, (1997), 1, 101-130 (with M.-H. Chen). [In Spanish].
\item A Bayesian approach to loss robustness. Statistics and Decisions (1998), 8, 16, 65-87 (with K. Lou and S. Bose).
\item A Bayesian approach using nonhomogeneous Poisson process for software reliability models. In: Frontiers of Reliability Analysis (eds. Basu et. al.) (1998) 1-18. World Scientific Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics, (with J. Achcar and M. Niverthi).
\item Bayesian robustness using local divergence and signal-to-noise ratio. Sixty Fifth Birthday Festschrift Volume in Honor of Dr. Saleh (S. Ejaz Ahmed, ed.), (1998), 411-420, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (with K. Lou).
\item A simulation-intensive approach for checking hierarchical models. Test, (1998), 7, 325-346 (with A. Gelfand, T. Swartz and P. Vlachos).
\item Bayesian analysis of multivariate survival data using Monte Carlo methods, Canadian J. Statist. (1998), 26, 33-48 (with H. Aslanidou and D. Sinha).
\item Modeling publication bias using weighted distributions in a Bayesian framework. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, (1998), 26, 279-302 (with D.T. Larose).
\item Box-Cox transformation in Bayesian analysis of compositional data. Environmetrics, (1998), 9, 657-671 (with M. Iyengar).
\item Comments on “The stochastic control of process capability indices” by N.D. Singpurwalla, Test, (1998), 7, 39-43.
\item Survival analysis using semiparametric Bayesian methods. In: Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric Bayesian methods, (1998), 195-211 (with D. Sinha).
\item Bayesian approach to estimation of intraclass correlation using reference prior. Communications in Statistics, A, (1998), 27, 2241-2255 (with Y. Chung).
\item Bayesian model determination in lifetime data analysis. Brazilian Journal of Probabilities and Statistics, (1998), 2, 113-130 (with D. Sinha).
\item Bayesian analysis of correlated binary data models. Sankhya, A, (1998), 60, 322-343 (with M.-H. Chen).
\item Multivariate survival analysis with positive stable frailties. Biometrics, (1999), 55, 81-88 (with Z. Qiou and N. Ravishanker).
\item A new class of minimax estimators of multivariate normal mean vectors under balanced loss function. Statistics \& Decisions, (1999), 17, 255-266 (with Y. Chung and C. Kim).
\item Comments on “Bayesian and frequentist approaches to parametric predictive inference” by R.L.Smith, Bayesian Statistics 6, (Bernardo et. al. ed.), (1999), 604-606.
\item A multivariate mixture of Weibull distributions in reliability modeling. Statistics \& Probability Letters (1999), 45, 225-235 (with K. Patra).
\item On estimation with balanced loss functions. Statistics \& Probability Letters, (1999), 45, 97-101 (with M. Ghosh and W. Strawderman)
\item A new skewed link model for dichotomous quantal response data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, (1999), 94, 1172-1186 (with M.-H. Chen and Q.-M. Shao).
\item Bayesian analysis for correlated ordinal data models. In: Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective, (2000), 135-162 (with M-H. Chen).
\item Bayesian model diagnostics for correlated binary data. In: Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective, (2000), 321-338 (with M.-H. Chen).
\item Multivariate process capabilitiy: A Bayesian perspective. Communications in Statistics, A, (2000), 29, 667-687 (with M. Niverthi).
\item Bayesian analysis of compositional data. In: Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective, (2000), 357-372 (with M. Iyengar).
\item Bayesian analysis of multivariate mortality data with large families. Applied Statistics, (2000), 49, 129-144. (With M.-H. Chen and D. Sinha).
\item Bayesian data analysis of longitudinal binary response models. Perspectives in Statistical Sciences (Basu et al. ed.), (2000), 110-123 (with M-H. Chen).
\item Bayesian approaches for overdispersion in generalized linear models. In: Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective, (2000), 73-90 (with N. Ravishanker).
\item Ranges of posterior expected losses and epsilon-robust actions. In: Robust Bayesian Analysis, (Eds. D. Insua and F. Ruggeri), (2000), 145-160 (with A. Micheas).
\item Comparison of frailty and other models for bivariate survival data. Life Time Data Analysis, (2000), 6, 207-228. (With S. Sahu).
\item Modeling multivariate survival data with a mixture of positive stable frailties. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, (2000), 2, 293-308 (with N. Ravishanker).
\item A unified Bayesian approach for analyzing correlated ordinal response data. Brazilian Journal of Probabilities and Statistics, (2000), 14, 87-111 (with M.-H. Chen).
\item Bayesian analysis of binary data using skewed logit models. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, (2001), 51, 11-30 (with Chen and Shao).
\item A general class of multivariate skew-elliptical distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2001), 79, 99-113 (with M. Branco).
\item Compositional time series analysis of mortality proportions. Communications ion Statistics, Special Issue (2001), 30, 2281-2291 (with N. Ravishanker and M. Iyengar).
\item Applying the Savage Dicky density ratio to default Bayes factors, with an outlier detection in random effects model. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods (2001), 30, 12, 2563-2582 (with Y. Chung and S. Lee).
\item Box-Cox transformation. In: Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Eds. El-Shaarawi, A, and Piegorsch, W. J. Wiley and Sons, (2002), 220-223.
\item Dirichlet distribution. In: Encylopedia of Environmetrics, (Eds. El-Shaarawi, A, and Piegorsch, W.) J. Wiley and Sons, (2002), 520-522 (with T. Maiti).
\item Dirichlet multinomial distribution. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, (Eds. El-Shaarawi, A, and Piegorsch, W.) J. Wiley and Sons, (2002), 522-523 (with T. Maiti).
\item Model determination for the variance components model using reference priors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2002), 100, 49-65 (with Y. Chung).
\item A general class of change point and change curve modeling for life-time data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, (2002), 54, 517-530 (with K. Patra).
\item A semiparametric model for compositional data analysis on the simplex. Test (2002), 11, 303-315 (with M. Iyengar).
\item A Bayesian approach to inferring population structure from dominant markers. Molecular Ecology (2002), 11, 1157-1164 (with K. Holsinger and P. Lewis).
\item Regression model under skew elliptical error distribution. The Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2002), 1, 151-171 (with M. Branco).
\item Semiparametric hierarchical selection models for Bayesian meta analysis. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2002), 72, 825-839 (with Y. Chung and J. Jang).
\item On the relationship between links for binary response data. Journal of Statistical Studies, Special Issue (2002), 159-172 (with Y. Wu and M.-H. Chen).
\item On robustness of choice of links in binomial regression. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, 53, 145-164 (2002), (with M.-H. Chen and Y. Wu).
\item Comments on “Skewed multivariate models related to hidden truncation and/or selective reporting” by B.C. Arnold and R.T. Beaver, Test (2002), 11, 40-47 (with A. Bhaumik).
\item Variable selection for multivariate logistic regression models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 111, 37-55 (2003), (with M.-H. Chen).
\item A new Bayesian approach for accelerated life test data. Applied Statistics, 52, 249-259 (2003), (with D. Sinha and K. Patra).
\item Prior and posterior predictive p-values in the one-sided location parameter testing problem. Sankhya, Series, A, 65, 158-178 (2003) (with A. Micheas).
\item A new class of multivariate skew distributions with applications to Bayesian regression models. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 31, 129-150 (2003) ( with S.K. Sahu and M.D. Branco).
\item Dynamic multivariate logistic regression model for correlated binary response data. Statistical Methods: Special Issue on Statistics in Industry and Business, 5, 70-86 (2003), (with A. Bhaumik).
\item Bayesian hierarchical model with skewed elliptical distribution. Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 32, 4, 425- 448 (2003), (with Y. Chung, T. Yang and J. Jang).
\item Wavelet modeling of priors on triangles. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 89, 338-358 (2004), (with Y. Wang).
\item To Bayes or not to Bayes: Application of Bayesian methodology to item response modeling. Structural Equations Modeling, 11(3),424-451, (2004), (with A. Rupp and B. Zumbo).
\item Bayesian criterion based model assessment for categorical data. Biometrika, 91, 45-63 (2004), (with M.-H. Chen and J. Ibrahim).
\item On measuring loss robustness using maximum a posteriori estimate, Communications in Statistics, 33,1069-1085 (2004), (with A.Micheas).
\item Effects of a natural extract of (-)-Hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) and a combination of HCA-SX plus niacin-bound chromium and Gymnema sylvestre extract on weight loss. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 6, 2004, 171-180 (2004), (With H. G. Preuss, D. Bagchi, M. Bagchi, C.V.S. Rao, and S. Satyanarayana).
\item Efficacy of a novel, natural extract of (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) a combination of HCA-SX, niacinbound chromium and Gymnema sylvestre extract in weight management in human volunteers: A pilot study. Nutrition Research, 24, 45- 58 (2004), (with H.G. Preuss, D Bagchi, M. Bagchi, C. V. S. Rao and S. Satyanarayana).
\item Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures of Improper Survival Distributions. Advances in Ranking and Selection, Multiple Comparisons and Reliability with Applications, N. Balakrishnan et.al., eds., Birkhauser, Boston, 353-368, (2004). (With K. Patra and S. Ghosh).
\item Modeling shape distribution and inferences for assessing differences in shapes. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 92, 257-280 (2005), (with A. Micheas).
\item Proportional odds model for spatially correlated survival data. Life Time Data Analysis, 11, 175-191 (2005), (With S. Banerjee).
\item Multivariate skew-elliptical distribution. Skew-Elliptical Distributions and Their Applications: A Journey Beyond Normality. Eds. Marc G. Genton. 43-62 (2005), (With J. Liu).
\item Assessing shape differences in populations of shapes using the complex Watson shape distribution. Journal of Applied Statistics, 33,1069-1085 (2005). (With A. Micheas).
\item Bayesian inference of population structure from dominant markers from mixtures of Betas. Bioinformatics, 21, 1516- 1529 (2005). (with R. Fu and K. Holsinger).
\item Comparison of Bayes and frequentist approaches for the estimation and prediction for the normal population. Sankhya , 66, 678-706 (2005) . (with D. Sun and C. Ren).
\item Convolutions of the T Distribution. Computers \& Mathematics with Applications, 49, 715-721 (2005). (with S. Nadarajah).
\item A new constructions for skew multivariate distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 95, 323-344 (2005), (with J. Liu).
\item Multitude of Multivariate T distributions. Statistics, 39, 149-181 (2005). (With S. Nadarajah).
\item On a Bayesian multivariate survival model with a skewed frailty, Skew-Elliptical Distributions and Their Applications: A Journey Beyond Normality. Eds. Marc G. Genton., 321-336, (2005), (With S.K. Sahu).
\item Bayesian and frequentist estimation and prediction for exponential distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 2873-2897(2006). (With C. Ren and D. Sun).
\item Complex elliptical distributions with applications to shape analysis. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 2961-2982, (2006). (with A. Micheas and K.V. Mardia).
\item Bayesian Model Choice in Exponential Survival Models. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 34, 2311-2330 (2005). (with Y. Chung, M. Kim and C. Kim).
\item On the product and ratio of t random variables. Applied Mathematics Letters, 19, 45-55. (2006). (With S. Nadarajah).
\item Differentiation among populations with migration, mutation, and drift: implications for genetic inference. Evolution, 60, 1-12. (2006). ( With S. Song and K. Holsinger).
\item Shape classification procedures with application to schizophrenia diagnosis. Bayesian Statistics and its Application. Proceedings of the International conference on Bayesian Statistics, Varanasi, India, eds. with U. Singh and S.K. Upadhyaya, 2006. (With R.E. Zackula and A. Micheas)
\item On Bayesian analysis of generalized linear models using Jacobian techniques. The American Statistician, 60, 3, 264-268. (2006), (with S. Das).
\item Semiparametric multivariate survival models with random effects. Bayesian Statistics and its Application. Proceedings of the International conference on Bayesian Statistics, Varanasi, India, eds. with U. Singh and S.K. Upadhyaya, 2006, 290-300. (With S. Kim and D. Sinha).
\item Statistical approach to metabonomic analysis of rat urine following surgical trauma. Journal of Chemometrics, 20, 87-98. (2006). (With S. Ghosh, D. Grant, D. Hill, B. Luo, N. Petty and R. Melchert).
\item A quantitative study of quantile based direct prior elicitation from expert opinion. Bayesian Analysis, 2, 137-166. (2007). (with J. Liu).
\item Hierarchical overdispersed Poisson model with macrolevel autocorrelation. Statistical Methodology, 4, 354-370 (2007). (With J. Liu).
\item Modeling spatially correlated survival data for individuals with multiple cancers. Statistical Modelling, 7,191-213. (2007). (With U.Diva and S. Banerjee).
\item Reconciling Bayesian and frequentist evidence in the one-sided scale parameter testing problem. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 36, 1123-1138. (2007). (with A. Micheas).
\item Bayesian analysis of generalized odds-rate hazards models for survival
data. Life Time Data Analysis, 13, 241-261. (2007). (with T. Banerjee, M.- H. Chen and S. Kim).
\item Bayesian dynamic models for survival data with a cure fraction. Life Time Data Analysis, 13, 17-35. (2007). (With S. Kim, M-H. Chen, D. Gamerman).
\item Bayesian estimation of stochastic frontier production model with multivariate skew t error terms. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 36, 907-916. (2007). (With S. Tchumtchoua).
\item Hierarchical overdispersed Poisson model with macrolevel autocorrelation. Statistical Methodology, 4, 354-370 (2007). (With J. Liu).
\item Modeling multilevel survival data using frailty models. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, Special issue, 37, 1734-1741 (2008). (with S. Kim).
\item Flexible generalized t-link models for binary response data, Biometrika, 95: 93-106 (2008).(With S. Kim and M-H. Chen).
\item Skew random effects in multilevel binomial models: an alternative to nonparametric approach, Statistical Modelling, 8(3): 221--241 (2008).
(With J. Liu).
\item Parametric models for spatially correlated survival data for individuals with multiple cancers. Statistics in Medicines, 7, 191-213 (2008) (With U.Diva and S. Banerjee).
\item A hierarchical Bayesian approach for estimating origin of a mixed population. IMS, Lecture Notes Monograph Series, Vol.23, 237- 250.(2008).(With F.Guo and K. Holsinger).
\item A unified modeling framework for metabonomic profile development and covariate selection for acute trauma subjects. Statistics in Medicines. 27, 19, 3776–3788, (2008).(With S. Ghosh).
\item A semiparametric profile and bio-marker discovery framework.
BMC, Bioinformatics, 2008,9: 38doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-38 2008,(With S. Ghosh, D.Hill and D.Grant).
\item A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of the efficacy and safety of 5-Loxin(R) for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Arthritis Research \& Therapy 2008, 10:R85 doi:10.1186/ar2461
(with K. Sengupta, K. V Alluri, A. R. Sathi, S. Mishra ,T. Golakoti, KVS Sarma ,S. P.Raychaudhuri )
\item A semiparametric Bayesian estimation of random coefficients discrete choice Bayesian models using aggregate data. Advances in Econometrics, 23, 275–307, 2008, (with S. Tchumtchoua).
\item A Bayesian hierarchical model for analysis of SNP diversity in multilocus, multipopulation samples. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104, 142-154. 2009, (With F. Guo and K. Holsinger).
\item Robust linear mixed models with skew-normal independent distributions from a Bayesian perspective. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 4098 – 4110, 2009, (With V. Lachos and V. Cancho).
\item Safety and efficacy of undenatured type II collagen in the treatment of
osteoarthritis of the knee: a clinical trial. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(6): 312–321, 2009.(With D. C. Crowley, F. C. Lau, P. Sharma, M. Evans, N. Guthrie, M. Bagchi, D. Bagchi,S. P. Raychaudhuri).
\item Constrained statistical decisions in evolving environments. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 18, 171-192, 2009. (With E. Gaioni and D. Larose).
\item Clustering: A pervasive data analytic technique. Multivariate Statistical Methods. Macmillan Advanced Research Series. Eds. A. Sengupta, 171- 201, 2009. (with S. Ghosh).
\item Bayesian isotonic change point analysis, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 61, 355-370 (2009). (with E. Alvarez).
\item On Bayesian inference for generalized multivariate gamma distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 19-20, (2010).1492-1499 (With S. Das).
\item On Bayesian inference for generalized multivariate gamma distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 19-20, (2010). 1492-1499 (With S. Das).
\item Non-Gaussian Hierarchical Generalized Linear Geostatistical Model Selection. Frontiers of Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysis, eds.M.-H. Chen, D.K. Dey, P. Mueller, D.Sun and K. Ye. Springer.2010. (With X. Wang, and S. Banerjee).
\item Estimating Threshold-exceeding Probability Maps of Continuous Environmental Variables with Markov Chain Random Fields. Journal of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Asessment. DOI 10.1007/s00477-010-0389-9, 2010. (With W. Li, C. Zhang and S. Wang).
\item Bayesian modeling of flash floods using generalized extreme value
distribution with prior elicitation. Chilean Journal of Statistics: Special invited issue, 18, 171-192, 2010. (With E. Gaioni and F. Ruggeri).
\item Analysis of Extreme Drinking in Patients with Alcohol Dependence Using Pareto Regression, Statistics in Medicine. 2010, 29(11):1250- 1258. (With Das, S.,Harel, O., Covault, J. and Kranzler, H).
\item A New Threshold Regression Model for Survival Data with a Cure Fraction, Lifetime Data Analysis, 2011 Jan;17(1):101-22. (With S. Kim and M.-H. Chen).
\item Generalized Extreme Value Regression For Binary Response Data: An Application to B2B Electronic Payments System Adoption. Annals of Applied Statistics, 2010.( With X. Wang).
\item Baltic Sea Peracarids Diurnal Activity Data: Issues on Multiple Imputation in Overdispersed Poisson Regression Model and Model Selection. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin,62, 261-276. (2010). (With O. Harel and J. Liu). Received Bose-Nandi memorial award for the best application paper.
\item Intervention Analysis of Hurricane Effects on Snail Abundance in a Tropical Forest Using Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Data. Journal of Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 2010. (With M. Prates, J. Yan and M. Willig).
\item Three-dimensional photon counting integral imaging using Bayesian estimation 2010, Vol. 35, No. 11, Optics Letters (With J. Jung, M. Cho and B. Javidi).
\item A beta mixture model for assessing genetic population structure. Biometrics, 2010. Nov 29. doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2010.01506.x. (with R.Fu and K. Holsinger).
\item Bayesian Nonlinear Regression Models with Scale Mixtures of Skew Normal Distributions: Estimation and Case Influence Diagnostics. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2011, 55, Issue 1, 588-602. (With V. Cancho, V. Lachos and M.G. Andrade).
\item Three-dimensional visualization and identification of objects in photon starved scenes using statistical estimation. Max ENT, (2010). ( with B.Javidi, M. Cho, and J. Jung).
\item Generalized Extreme Value Regression for Ordinal Response Data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, DOI: 10.1007/s10651-010- 0154-8, 2010. (with X. Wang).
\item Test to Distinguish a Brownian Motion from a Brownian Bridge using Polya Tree Process. Statistics and Probability Letters, 81,
1, 140-145.( 2011). (with K.Bharath).
\item Linear and non-linear mixed-effects models for censored HIV viral loads using normal/independent distributions. Biometrics, 2011. Apr 19. doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01586.x. (With V. Lachos and D. Bandopadhyay).
\item Recognition and Classification of Red Blood Cells Using Digital Holographic Microscopy and Data Clustering with Discriminant Analysis. Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, 28(6):1204- 1210, 2011.(With Liu, R, Boss, D. Marquet, P. and Javidi, B.).
\item Modeling survival data using the piecewise exponential model with random time grid. Recent Advances in Biostatistics: False Discovery, Survival Analysis, Genomics and other topics, 2011. (With F. N. Demarqui, R. H. Loschi, and E. A. Colosimo).
\item Genetic Diversity of Microsatellite Loci in Hierarchically Structured Populations. Theoretical Population Biology, 80(1):29-37,2011, (with S. Song and K.Holsinger).
\item Modeling experimental cross transiograms of neighboring landscape categories with the gamma distribution. The International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26:4, 599-620, 2012). (With W. Li and C. Zhang).
\item A class of dynamic Piecewise Exponential Models with Random Time Grid. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 728-742. (2012). (With F. N. Demarqui, R. H. Loschi, E. A. Colosimo).
\item On dynamic generalized linear models with applications. Methodology and Computation in Applied Probability, 15, 407-421.(2013). (With S. Das).
\item A Comparison of Generalized Multinomial Logit (GMNL) and Latent Class Approaches to Studying Consumer Heterogeneity With Some Extensions of the GMNL model (with discussion). Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, (2011).(With J. Pancras).
\item Bayesian Modelling of Bathtub Shaped Hazard Rate Using Various Weibull Extensions and Related Issues of Model Selection, Sankhya, 74,1; 15-43, (2012). (With S.K. Upadhyay, and A. Gupta).
\item Skew-normal/independent linear mixed models for censored responses with applications to HIV viral loads. Biometrical Journal, 54, 3, 405-425. (2012). (With D. Bandyopadhyay, V.H. Lachos and M. Castro).
\item Modeling Associations among Multivariate Longitudinal Categorical Variables in Survey Data: a Semiparametric Bayesian Approach. Psychometrika, 77, 4, 670–692 (2012) (With S. Tchumtchoua).
\item Long-term Survival Models With Latent Activation Under a Flexible Family of Distributions. Brazilian Journal of Statistics and Probability, 27, 585- 600,(2012).
(With V. Cancho, M. de Castro).
\item A transformation class for spatio-temporal survival data with a cure fraction. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, DOI: 10.1777. (2012). (With S. Huartado).
\item Mining the Salivary Proteome with Grating-Coupled Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging and Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission Microarrays. Current Protocols in Toxicology, 18.16.1 – 18.16.19. (2012), (With M. Lynes).
\item A Dengue fever study in the State of Rio de Janeiro with the use of generalized skew-normal / independent spatial fields, Chilean Journal of Statistics, vol. 3. No. 2, 143-155, (2012).( With M. Prates and V.H. Lachos).
\item Ultrasensitive Detection of Cancer Biomarkers in the Clinic using a Nanostructured Microfluidic Array. Analytical Chemistry (2012). (With Malhotra, R.; Patel, V.; Chikkaveeraiah, B.; Munge , B.; Cheong, S.; Zain, R.; Abraham, M. Gutkind, J.; Rusling, J.).
\item State space mixed models for binary responses with scale mixture of
normal distributions links, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis:
Special Issue on Bayesian Computing, Methods and Applications. 71, 274-287. (2014). (With C. Abanto-Valle).
\item University of Connecticut Department of Statistics, Strength in Numbers: The Rising of Academic Statistics Departments in the U. S.
2013, pp 353-367. (With N. Mukhopadhyay, L. Kuo, and M-H. Chen).
\item Bayesian Inference in Nonlinear Mixed--Effects Models Using Normal
Independent Distributions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, . 64, issue C, pages 237-252 (With V.H. Lachos, and M. Castro).
\item Asymptotics of a Clustering Criterion for Smooth Distributions.
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7,1078- 1093. 2013. (With K. Bharath and V. Pozdnyakov).
\item A new class of flexible link functions with application to species co occurrence in cape floristic region. Annals of Applied Statistics,
7, 4, 1837- 2457. (2013). (With X. Jiang, A. Wilson, R. Prunier and K. Holsinger).
\item Assessing Intervention Efficacy on High Risk Drinkers Using Generalized Linear Mixed Models with a New Class of Link Functions. Biometrical Journal, 55 (2013) 6, 912–924. (With M. Prates, J. Yan and R. Aseltine).
\item Bayesian Model Diagnostics using Functional Bregman Divergence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 124, 371-383. (2014). (With G. Goh).
\item Propriety of Posterior Distributions Arising in Categorical and
Survival Models under Generalized Extreme value Distribution. Statistica Sinica, 24,2, 699-722. (2014). (With V. Roy).
\item State space mixed models for binary responses with scale mixture of
normal distributions links, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis:
Special Issue on Bayesian Computing, Methods and Applications. 71, 274-287. (2014). (With C. Abanto-Valle).
\item Asymptotics of the empirical cross-over function. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2014, 66, 369-382. (With K. Bharath and V. Pozdnyakov).
\item A full semiparametric Bayesian approach for modeling survival data with cure fraction, Biometrical Journal, 2014, 56, 2, 198-218. (With F.N. Demarqui, R. H. Loschi and E. A. Colosimo).
\item Updating Categorical Soil Maps Using Limited Survey Data by Bayesian Markov Chain Co-Simulation". The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2013, Article ID 587284, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/5872842013, (with W. Li, C. Zhang, and M. R. Willig).
\item Bayesian estimation of a skew-Student-t Volatility model Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,17, 721-738. (2015). (With C.A. Abanto-Valle and V.H. Lachos).
\item On a Type of Probability Stopping Rule for Toxicity Study. Sequential Analysis, 32, 382-403. 2013. (With J. Liu).
\item A closer look at the spatial exponential matrix specification. Spatial Statistics, 2014. (With E. Rodrigues and R. Assunc˜ao).
\item An entropy based clustering of embryonic stem cell using digital holographic microscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. (With R. Liu, A. Anand and B. Javidi).
\item Bayesian estimation of a skew-Student-t stochastic volatility model. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. 21, 2013. (With C. Abanto-Valle and Lachos, V).
\item Bayesian Design of Non-Inferiority Clinical Trials with Co-Primary Endpoints and Multiple Dose Comparison. 2014 ICSA Symposium book. (With Wenqing Li, Ming-Hui Chen and Huaming Tan).
\item Bayesian Spatial-Temporal Modeling of Ecological Zero-Inflated Count Data.
Statistica Sinica, 2014. (With Xia Wang, Ming-Hui Chen and Rita C. Kuo).
\item Symmetric power link with ordinal response model. Current Trends in Bayesian Methodology with Applications, Eds. D. K. Dey, U. Singh and A. Loganathan, eds. Chapman \& Hall/CRC Press, 2014.(With Xun Jiang).
\item A Type of Sample Size Planning for Mean Comparison in Clinical Trials, Journal of Data Science. 2014. (With J. Liu).
\item Bayesian Markov Chain Random Field co-simulation for Improving Land Cover Classification Accuracy. Mathematical Geoscience, 2014. (With W, Li, C Zhang and M. Willig).
\item Bayesian Estimation of Depth Information in Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging. SPIE Sensing Technology plus Applications, Baltimore, MD, 2014. (With X. Xiao and B. Javidi).
\item Binary state space mixed models with flexible link functions: a case study on deep brain stimulation on attention reaction time. Statistics and
Its Interface, 8, 2, 187-194. (2015). (With C. Abantovalle and X. Jiang).
\item 3D Automatic Identification of Embryonic Stem Cells Using Quantitative Phase
contrast Imaging Digital Holographic Microscopy (With R. Liu, A. Anand, V.
Chhaniwal, and B. Javidi).
\item Bayesian Estimation of Depth Information in Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging.
SPIE Sensing Technology plus Applications, Baltimore, MD, 2014. (With
X. Xiao and B. Javidi).
\item Transformed Gaussian Markov random fields and spatial modeling. Spatial Statistics, 14, 382-399. (2015). (With Prates, M. O., Willig, M. R., and Yan, J).
\item Flexible link functions in nonparametric binary regression with Gaussian process
priors. Biometrics (2015). (With D. Li, X. Wang and L. Lizhen).
\item A Flexible Cure Rate Model for Spatially Correlated Survival Data Based on
Generalized Extreme Value Distribution and Gaussian Process Priors. Biometrical
Journal. DOI: 10.1002/bimj.DOIsuffix. (With D. Li and X. Wang).
\item Analysis of Bivariate Survival Data Based on Copulas with Log Generalized Extreme
Value Marginals. Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis: Methods
and Applications Eds. D. K. Dey and J. Yan. Chapman \& Hall/CRC Press.
(With Y. Jiang \& J. Yan).Pages 475- 493. (2016). (With D. Roy \& V. Roy).
\item Dynamic Spatial Pattern Recognition in Count Data. New Developments in Statistical Modeling, Inference and Application
Selected Papers from the 2014 ICSA/KISS Joint Applied Statistics Symposium in Portland, OR, 185-202.(2016).(With X. Wang, M-H. Chen\& R.C. Kuo).
\item Univariate Extreme Value Analysis. Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis:
Methods and Applications Eds. D. K. Dey and J. Yan. Chapman \& Hall/CRC
Press. Pages 1-22.(2016).(With D. Roy \& J. Yan).
\item Flexible Link Functions in a Joint Model of Binary and Longitudinal Data. Stat.,Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages: 320–330
(With D.li, X.Wang, S.Song \& N. Zhang).
\item Multivariate Extreme Value Analysis. Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis:
Methods and Applications Eds. D. K. Dey and J. Yan. Chapman \&
Hall/CRC Press,Pages 23-39. (2016) (With Y. Jiang \& J. Yan).
\item Canonical Variate Regression. Biostatistics, 17, 468-483.(2016). ( With C. Luo, J. Liu \& K. Chen).
\item Clustering by Propagating Probabilities Between Data Points. 41, Pages 390–399
Applied Soft Computing. (2016). (With G.Gan \& Y. Zhang).
\item Unified multivariate survival model with a surviving fraction: An application to a Brazilian customer churn data". Journal Applied of Statistics, (2016). ISSN: 0266-4763 (Print) 1360-0532 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cjas20. (With Vicente G. Cancho, Dipak K. Dey \& Francisco Louzada).
\item A New lifetime model for multivariate survival data with a surviving fraction. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86, 2, 279-292. (2016). ISSN: 0094-9655 . (With Vicente G. Cancho, Francisco Louzada, \& Gladys D.C. Barriga).
\item Robust Regression Modeling for Censored Data based on Mixtures of Student-t Distributions. Computational Statistics, (2016). (With V. Lachos, L. Benites,\& C. Cabral ).
\item Latent Class Analysis of Incomplete Data via an Entropy-Based Criterion. Statistical Methodology. Sep;32:107-121. (2016). (With C. Larose , O. Harel and K. Kordas).
\item Flexible link functions in nonparametric binary regression with Gaussian process priors. Biometrics, DOI: 10.1111/ biom.12462, 2016. (With D. Li, X. Wang and L. Lin).
\item Time series effects of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen on Long Island Sound lobster harvest.
Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2522-7, 84(3),(2016).(With Mukherjee, Z. Gupta, R).
\item Bayesian inference and diagnostics in zero-inflated generalized power series regression model, 45, 22. Pages 6553-6568.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods.(2016). (With Barriga, G.D.C.).
\item Regularizing Portfolio Risk Analysis: A Bayesian Approach.
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. DOI: 10.1007/s11009-016-9524-5, (2016). (With Das, S.and Halder, A.).
\item Inference for Large Tree-structured Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1240081(2017) (Wih K. Bharath, P. Kambadur, Rao, A. and B. Baladandyuthapani).
\item Asymptotic Properties of Marginal Least Squares Estimator for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Linear Regression Models with Correlated Errors. The American Statistician (2017). (With G. Goh).
\item Censored regression models with autoregressive errors: A likelihood-based perspective. The Canadian Journal of Statistics (2017). (With F. L. Schumacher \& V. H. Lachos).
\item Discrete-response state space models with conditional heteroscedasticity: An application to forecasting the federal funds rate target. Economics Letters (2017). (With S. Dimitrakopolous).
\item Bayesian sparse reduced rank multivariate regression. Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2017). (With G.Goh and K. Chen).
\item Influence Diagnostics in Spatial Models with Censored Response. Environmetrics (2017). (With T. S. Barbosa, V. H. Lachos, L. A. Matos and A.M. Garay).
\item Scale Mixtures Log-Birnbaum-Saunders Regression Models with Censored Data: A Bayesian Approach.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2017).(With V. Cancho, G. Barriga and F. Louzada).
\item Sequential co-sparse factor regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (2017). (With Mishra, A., and Chen, K).
\item Bayesian sparse reduced rank regression. Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2017). (With Goh, G. and Chen, K).
\item Geo-statistical estimation and prediction for censored responses. Spatial Statistics(2017). (With V.H. Lachos, C. Romelo and A. Garay).
\item Robust nonlinear mixed-effects models with application to AIDS studies (with V. Lachos).
\item A transformation class of semiparametric spatio-temporal cure rate survival models for censored data. (With S. Huartado).
\item Semiparametric Bayesian modeling of spatio-survival data under cure fraction. (With S. Huartado).
\item Asymptotics of the empirical cross-over function (With K. Bharath and V. Pozdnyakov).
\item On clustering criteria for smooth distributions (With K. Bharath and V. Pozdnyakov).
\item 3D Automatic Identification of Embryonic Stem Cells Using Quantitative Phase contrast Imaging Digital Holographic Microscopy (With R. Liu, A. Anand, V. Chhaniwal, and B. Javidi).
\item Categorical data analysis using a skewed Weibull regression model (With R. Caron, A. Polpo, and D. Sinha).
\item A New Lifetime Model for Multivariate Survival Data with a Surviving Fraction (With V.G. Cancho).
\item Extreme Loyalty and the Implications of Scale Heterogeneity for Targeted Marketing (With J. Pancras and K. Sudhir).
\item A Type of Probability Stopping Rule for Toxicity Study. (With J. Liu).
\item Stock Return Volatility, Heavy Tails, Skewness and Trading Volume: A Bayesian Approach. (With C.A. Abanto-Valle and V.H. Lachos).
\item Investigating the Impact of Customer Stochasticity on Firm Price Discrimination Strategies Using a New Bayesian Mixture Scale Heterogeneity Model. (with X. Wang and J. Pancras).
\item Analysis of survival data with a cure fraction under generalized extreme value distribution (With D. Roy and V. Roy).
\item Bayesian Joint Modeling of Response Times with Dynamic Latent Ability in Educational Testing. (With Xiaojing Wang and Abhisek Saha). Under revision with Psychometrika.
\item The Impact of Missing Values on Different Measures of Uncertainty (With C. Larose, \& O. Harel). Submitted.
\item Negative-Binomial Cure Rate Models with Spatial Frailties for Interval-Censored Data. (With Y. Bao, J.A. Fiorucci, V.G. Cancho). Submitted.
\item Sequential Estimation of Sparse Factor Regression. (With A Mishra and K. Chen). Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Submitted.
\item Bayesian inference for ordinal-response state space mixed models with conditional heteroscedasticity. (With Stefanos Dimitrikopoulos).
\item On estimation and influence diagnostics for zero-inflated hyper-Poisson regression model: full Bayesian analysis. (With V. Cancho, Y. Bao, and J. Fioruci).
\item Bayesian model assessment and selection using Bregman divergence. (With G.Goh).
\item Bayesian Design of Non-Inferiority Clinical Trials via the Bayes Factor. (With W. Liu, M.-H. Chen and X. Wang)
\item On Posterior Properties of the Two Parameter Gamma Family of Distributions. (With P.Ramos, F. Louzada and E. Ramos).
\item Influence diagnostics for censored regression models with autoregressive errors. (With V.H. Davilla, F. Schumacher).
\item Improved estimators in simultaneous estimation of scale parameters (with Alan E. Gelfand), Technical Report \#399, Department of Statistics, Stanford University.
\item Multiparameter estimation of truncated discrete exponential distributions under entropy loss (with M. Ghosh), Technical Report \#87 1, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut.
\item On estimating eigenvalues in a two sample problem. Technical Report \#87 8, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut.
\item Estimation of matrix means and the precision matrix: A unified approach (with M. Ghosh and C. Srinivasan), Technical Report \#87 18, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut.
\item Forecasting, planning and contemporaneous outlier analysis from IBM regional revenue based on shrinkage estimation. Proceeding of the Business and Economic section, Joint Statistical meeting 1994 at Toronto.
\item Detection of number of signals in high resolution array processing by decision theoretic criterion. Technical Report No., Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut (with D. Abraham).
\item Estimation of scale matrix from elliptical distributions. Technical Report, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut (with C. Srinivasan).
\item Publication bias models using weighted distributions in a Bayesian setting. Proceeding of the Section on Bayesian Statistics, Joint Statistical Meeting, 1995 at Orlando (with D. Larose).
\item Sensitivity diagnostics and robustness issues in Bayesian inference. Technical Report 9, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut (with S.K. Ghosh).
\item Bayesian analysis of multivariate survival data using Monte Carlo methods. Proceeding of the Section on Bayesian Statistics, Joint Statistical Meeting, 1995 at Orlando (with H. Aslanidou and D. Sinha).
\item Simulation based model checking for hierarchical models. Technical Report, 95-29, University of Connecticut (with A. Gelfand, T. Swartz and P. Vlachos).
\item Model determination for multivariate survival data under gamma frailty models. Proceeding of the Section on Bayesian Statistics, Joint Statistical Meeting, 1996 at Chicago (with H. Aslanidou).
\item Model determination for multivariate survival data. Research report No. 96-31, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge (with S.K. Sahu and H. Aslanidou).
\item Mentor Program in Statistics - Summer 1996. Technical report 96-37 (with A. Cole, J. Dutton, N. Ravishanker and M. Iyengar).
\item A Simulation-intensive approach for checking hierarchical models. Proceedings of the Interface of Statistics and Computing, 1997 (with A. Gelfand, P. Vlachos and T. Swartz).
\item On identifying mixing density of scale mixtures of normal distributions (with L.R. Birmiwal), Technical Report, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut.
\item Is estrogen linked to cancers of the breast and endometrium? New meta-analyses using Bayesian grouped random effects models (with D. Larose), Technical Report, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut.
\item Estimation of Poisson means with applications to mortality indices (with T. Kubokawa), Technical Report, University of Connecticut.
\item Time series analysis of compositional data using a dynamic linear model approach. Proceeding of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, Joint Statistical meetings, 2003 at San Francisco, 226-231, (with A. Bhaumik and N. Ravishanker).
\item Bayesian analysis of compositional time series by using multivariate skew normal distribution. Proceeding of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, 2003 at San Francisco, 1082-1086, (with R. Fu and N. Ravishanker).
\item Modeling skew random effects for multilevel binomial regression models (with J. Liu).
\item Variable selection for multilevel Poisson regression models with missing data (with J. Liu).
\item Shape classification procedures with applications, Proceedings of the American Statistical Association , Section on Bayesian Statistical Sciences, San Francisco, 2003. (with A. Micheas).
\item Dynamic generalized linear models for correlated binary responses. (with A. Bhaumik).
\item Local sensitivity analysis using divergence measures under parametric classes of perturbations. (with K. Lou and Y-Chung).
\item Model assessments: An appraisal from a Bayesian perspective. (with T. Maiti).
\item The exponential inverse Weibull Geometric distribution.Pakistan Journal of Statistics. (With Y. Chung).
\item Nonparametric Bayesian binary segmentation procedure to multiple change-point problems. (with C. Kim and Y. Chung).
\item Bayesian inference for Weibull models with applications. (with K. Patra).
\item A dynamic linear model approach for compositional time series data. (with
A. Bhaumik and N. Ravishanker).
\item Markov switching model with application to daily coalition casualties in Iraq.(With V. Pozdnyakov and J. Glaz).
\item K-means clustering: a novel probabilistic formulation, with some applications. (With S. Ghosh).
\item A Bayesian approach for estimating the number of errors in a software reliability modeling. (with T. Nayak and M. Niverthi).
\item Bayesian approaches to detecting outliers. (with Y. Chung).
\item Modeling Associations among Multivariate Longitudinal Categorical Variables in Survey Data: a Semiparametric Bayesian Approach
(with S. Tchumtchoua).
\item Semiparametric Bayesian Modeling of Spatio-Survival Data
Under Cure Fraction (with S. Huartado).
\item Cure rate modeling for multiple cancers with spatial frailty. (with S. Huartado and R. Tiwari and J.K.Pal).
\item Dimension augmenting vector machine: a new general classifier system for large p small n problem. (with S. Ghosh and Y. Wang).
\item On Bayesian analysis of Generalized Linear Models: A new perspective. (with S. Das).
\item Semiparametric Functional Estimation Using Quantile-Based Prior Elicitation. (With E. Gaioni and M. Grigoriu).
\item Bayesian approach to semiparametric transformation models with cure rate. (with S. Kim).
\item Unified Bayesian modeling for survival data with a surviving fraction. (with S. Kim).
\item The dynamics and interaction of online auctions (with Y.Tu, P. Goes, V. Tung).
\item Bayesian modeling of bathtub shaped hazard rate using various Weibull extensions and related issues concerning model selection. (with S. Upadhyay and A. Gupta).
\item Analysis of 5 Loxin Treatment for Patients with Osteoarthritis in Clinical Trial Using Power Filter. (with S. Das).
\item Bayesian Isotonic Estimation for Exponential Family and Beyond. (With J. Pal and F. N. Demarqui).
\item Extending the capture-recapture methodology to estimate disease subpopulation sizes in the presence of cross-classification. (With U. Diva and T. Morse).
\item Disruption of Cuvier's beaked whales by mid-frequency sonar.
(With McDonald, M. A., Hildebrand, J. A. and Wiggins, S. M., Jung, J., Nelson, D.C., Hodges, R. P., and Bailey, M. P.).
\item Robust Linear Mixed Models with Skew-Normal independent distributions from a Bayesian perspective (With V. H. Lachos and
V. G. Cancho).
\item Approximate inferences for nonlinear mixed-effects model with skew- normal independent distributions. (With V. H. Lachos).
\item Bayesian Analysis of Scale Mixtures of Log-Birnbaum-Saunders Regression Models with Censored Data (With V.H. Lachos and V.G. Cancho).
\item Robust Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects models.( With V.H. Lachos and V. G. Cancho).
\item Sequential Estimation of Sparse Factor Regression. (With Aditya Mishra, Dipak Dey, Kun Chen).
\item Time Series Effects of Dissolved Oxygen and Nitrogen on Long Island Sound Lobster Harvest. (With Z. Mukherjee).
\item Compositional Data Analysis of the Effects of Hypoxia on Lobster Harvest in the Long Island Sound. (With Z. Mukherje).
\item Partially supervised sparse factor regression model
for multi-class classification. In J. Lin, B. Wang, X. Hu, K. Chen, and R. Liu, editors, In Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics, pages 323–335. Springer, International, 2016. (With C. Luo and K. Chen).