Computerized Neurosurgery Skills Evaluation
Ashwini Purkar
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9년 전
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Mid-Semester Project Present

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Mid-Semester Project Present
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title[Your Short Title]{Computerized Neurosurgery Skills Evaluation}
\author{Ashwini Purakr}
\institute{IIT, Delhi}
\date{19 February, 2016}
% Uncomment these lines for an automatically generated outline.
% \tableofcontents
\section{Mid-Semester Project Presentation}
\Large The presentation is organized as follows:
\item \Large Survey of the key problems to be addressed (Image Processing and Vision)
%\item Use \texttt{itemize} to organize your main points.
\item \Large Related work and literature review
\item \Large Future scope of work
\vskip 1cm
%Some examples of commonly used commands and features are included, to help you get started.
\subsection{Key problems in area of vision}
\begin{frame}{Key problems in area of vision}
\item Neuro-Endotrainer tracking and evaluation
\includegraphics[width=4cm, height=4cm]{endotrainer1.png}
%\caption{\label{fig:your-figure}Caption goes here.}
\item Neuro-endoscopy tool tracking(Aux camera and Endoscopy camera)
\item Micro-suturing skills assessment - effectiveness(images) and Dexterity(video - activity detection and scoring)
\item Drilling Skill assessment effectiveness(images) and Dexterity(video - activity detection)
% Commands to include a figure:
%\caption{\label{fig:your-figure}Caption goes here.}
\subsection{Related work - I}
\begin{frame}{Related work and Literature review - I}
\Large The main focus so far has been only the Neuro-endotrainer
\item It started with building background on Image Processing and Computer Vision:
\item \large Notes on DIA - Basics of image representation, filtering operations, Image Warping
\item \large Mooc on Udacity - Math behind Canny Edge detection and Hough Transform
\item \large Another Mooc on CV - just specific topics from that made me comfortable with the math. - eg: SIFT descriptor etc
\item \large Notes on CV that led me to study the math behind
projective geometry - mainly Hartley and Zisserman
\item \large Getting used to coding in openCV
\subsection{Related work - II}
\begin{frame}{Related work and Literature review - II}
\item \Large Secondly, the requirements of the project - The evaluation of the task of picking the ring is addressed by detecting whether the board is hit or not.Its a failure when board is hit- \textbf{Foreground Detection - MOG} and \textbf{TLD}
\item Tracking ring's motion - To automate whether a ring is being picked and moved, stationary. - \textbf{Activity Identification}
\subsection{Future scope of work}
\begin{frame}{Suggested problems to work on}
\Large Currently the following problems are to be addressed
\item Endotrainer related:
\item \Large Identify tugging of the ring onto a peg.
\item \Large Endoscopic Camera Evaluation - The tool is to be tracked and determined whether the tool is in the centre of the field or exiting the field and evaluate if it hits the peg.
\item Micro-suturing related (Image and Video)
\item Drill related (Image and Video)
\centering \LARGE THANKYOU