% thesis.tex: Primary TeX control file for thesis.
\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{mnthesis}
\usepackage[numbers, super]{natbib}
%\usepackage[initials, citation-order, numbers, super, biblabel]{natbib}
%\bibliographystyle{hunsrt} % style of bibliography
\bibliographystyle{achemso} % style of bibliography
% Title and other sections that come before the body of the document
% Now lets include the body of the document...
%Chapter 2
\chapter{Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Magnetic Properties of Fe$_2$(dobdc) Before and After Oxidation}\label{magnetism_chapter}
%Chapter 3
\chapter{\textit{Ab Initio} Parameterized Forces Fields for Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in M$_4$(O)(bdc)$_3$ and M$_2$(dobdc)}\label{co2_adsorption_chapter}
%Chapter 4
\chapter{Experimental and Computational Characterization of Zr$_6$ and Hf$_6$ Based MOFs for Catalysis}\label{mod-catalysis_chapter}
% Bibliography, uncomment for final version
% Appendices
% End the Document
pdflatex thesis_phd.tex