Apratim CV
Apratim Bora
Last Updated:
6년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Apratim's Resume. Created based on the Twenty Seconds CV template.

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Apratim's Resume. Created based on the Twenty Seconds CV template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% FortySecondsCV LaTeX template
% Copyright © 2019 René Wirnata <rene.wirnata@pandascience.net>
% Licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE file for details.
% Attributions
% ------------
% * fortysecondscv is based on the twentysecondcv class by Carmine Spagnuolo
% (cspagnuolo@unisa.it), released under the MIT license and available under
% https://github.com/spagnuolocarmine/TwentySecondsCurriculumVitae-LaTex
% * further attributions are indicated immediately before corresponding code
% showframes,
% maincolor=cvgreen,
% sectioncolor=red,
% subsectioncolor=orange
% sidebarwidth=0.4\paperwidth,
% topbottommargin=0.03\paperheight,
% leftrightmargin=20pt
% improve word spacing and hyphenation
% take care of proper font encoding
% \newfontfamily\headingfont[Path = fonts/]{segoeuib.ttf} % local font
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{noto} % use noto google font
% enable mathematical syntax for some symbols like \varnothing
% bubble diagram configuration
% defaut font size is \large, so adjust to harmonize with sidebar layout
bubble center node font = \footnotesize,
bubble node font = \footnotesize,
% default: 4cm/2.5cm; make minimum diameter relative to sidebar size
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bubble node size = 0.25\sidebartextwidth,
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% define the list of colors usable in the diagram
set color list = {maincolor!10, maincolor!40,
maincolor!20, maincolor!60, maincolor!35},
% sets the opacity at which the bubbles are shown
bubble fill opacity = 0.8,
% profile picture
% your name
\cvname{Apratim Bora}
% job title/career
\cvjobtitle{Mechanical Engineer}
% date of birth
\cvbirthday{Feb 6, 1997}
% short address/location, use \newline if more than 1 line is required
\cvaddress{Dibrugarh, Assam, India}
% phone number
\cvphone{+91 7002117127}
% personal website
% email address
% add additional information
% \newcommand{\additional}{some more?}
% overwrite default icons and order of personal information
% \renewcommand{\personaltable}{%
% \begin{personal}[0.8em]
% \circleicon{\faKey} & \cvkey \\
% \circleicon{\faAt} & \cvmail \\
% \circleicon{\faGlobe} & \cvsite \\
% \circleicon{\faPhone} & \cvphone \\
% \circleicon{\faEnvelope} & \cvaddress \\
% \circleicon{\faInfo} & \cvbirthday \\
% % add another line
% \circleicon{\faQuestion} & \additional
% \end{personal}
% }
% add more profile sections to sidebar on first page
% include gosquare national flags from https://github.com/gosquared/flags;
% naming according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
\skill{\ }{AutoCAD}
\skill{\ }{MATLAB}
\skill{\ }{MS Office}
\skill{\ }{C and C++ Programming}
\skill{\ }{Web Design}
\skill{\ }{Team Management}
\skill{\ }{Adobe Photoshop}
\skill{\ }{Learn New Languages}
\skill{\ }{Fitness Enthusiast}
\skill{\ }{Reading Fiction Novels}
\cvitem{Jul 2018}{Intern}{Assam State Transport Corporation Divisional Workshop}{}
\cvitem{Jan 2018}{Intern}{Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd}{}
\cvitem{Jun 2018}{Summer Trainee}{Indian Railways Divisional Workshop}{Vocational and Industrial Training on Wagon Body}
\cvitem{Dec 2017}{Winter Trainee}{Tezpur University}{Vocational Training on Bio-diesel and Solar Energy}
\cvitem{2015 -- 2019}{B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering}{Dibrugarh University}
{9.11/10 CGPA}
\cvitem{2017}{Diploma in AutoCAD}{CADD Centre Training Services}{AutoCAD 2D and 3D}
\cvitem{2018--2019}{Design and Fabrication of Floor Cleaning Machine}{Dibrugarh University}{}
\cvitem{2018}{Fabrication of Staircase Climbing Trolley}{Dibrugarh University}{}
\cvitem{2018}{Fabrication of model of a Railway coach lifter}{Indian Railways Divisional Workshop}{}
\cvitem{2015}{Award for Academic Excellence}{Oil India Limited}{Recipient for graduating with highest honors in Class XII examinations. Aggregate percentage: 93.2 }
\cvitem{2017}{Introduction to Programming with MATLAB}{Coursera}{Credential ID: QYUH5A3U9YDF}
\cvitem{2018}{Programming with C and C++}{Internshala}{Credential ID: F6C74053-FF1D-DEB3-148E-93D3634052B5}
\cvsection{Extra-Curricular Activities}
\cvitem{2019}{Sho Dan Black Belt}{GI TOKU KAI KARATE DO INDIA}{}
\cvitem{2015}{Visharad in Fine Arts}{Pracheen Kala Kendra}{}
\cvitem{2019}{Completed 4K run in Dibrugarh Marathon 2019}{}{}
\cvitem{2018-Present}{Student Member}{SPE International}{}
\cvitem{2018-Present}{Student Member}{SAE International}{}